Plastic Smiles

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Nandini hurriedly entered Vedika's room. Vedika got up in a jerk. 

Nandini- Did you see Ram today? 

Vedika- Yeah, why? 

Nandini- Did you wish him? 

Vedika- Wish him what? 

Nandini sighed in frustration. 

Nandini- It's his birthday today. How can you forget that? 

Vedika realized what a big blunder she made. 

Vedika- I completely forgot. Now what to do? 

Nandini- Listen, Priya called me. She wants to arrange a party in Kapoor Mansion today. Let's tell Ram that you've arranged it. 

Vedika- What if Priya...

Nandini- She'll do nothing. Once Ram accepts it as your gift. She won't utter a word. But she'll be hurt for sure. And Ram will be happy with you. 

Vedika smiled. Both of them planned to snatch all credit from Priya. 


In the evening, Ram came back home with a heavy heart. His birthday was a sad day for him. It reminded him of his father and Vedika who had broke with him on his birthday. After his father's demise, his birthday was celebrated by his few friends & Shivi only, with a blueberry muffin. After building this Kapoor empire his staff wished him. But at the end of the day, he was welcomed by a home filled with darkness and silence. That reminded him that he was an orphan in this world. An orphan who has lost his parents at a young age. An orphan who can hardly remember his mother's affection. 

Mother's affection.

He recalled the morning.

"Meera maa fed me my favorite halwa today, Sara di fed me, Shivi fed me... I didn't feel like an orphan today. There are so many people around me now. People who care for me, my happiness. I have a mother now. Priya has brought them all into my life. But madam khud kaha hain. She didn't talk to me for once today."

Ram smiled thinking about the morning. In a long time, it was his best birthday morning. But his smile was followed by a sulk. A sulk thinking that Priya didn't even talk to him. He was walking toward the house thinking where his Priya was.

Vedika- Ram.

His chain of thought broke hearing Vedika scream his name. He looked up and saw Vedika running to him with a ribbon in her hand. 

Vedika- Close your eyes, Ram. Let me put this blindfold. 

Ram- Areh, what is this?

Vedika insisted. Ram let her do as she wished. Vedika put the blindfold on and took him into the house. The blindfold was removed to unfold a shining hall room in front of him. It was filled with lights and music. He found himself surrounded by thousands of white flowers and familiar faces. His friends from school and college were invited. All of them wished him. His face lit up with joy. He thanked everyone one by one. 

Once everyone returned to enjoy the party, Ram turned to Vedika.

Ram- All this...

Vedika- I did this, Ram. I know you love parties. So, a little attempt. 

Ram- You did this!

Vedika- Can't I? 

Ram- Of course. Thank you.

Nandini- Thank you, Vedika. 

Nandini, Shubham, Mitu mami, Mama- everybody came to Ram. 

Nandini- You deserve thanks from every one of us. You have arranged such a lavish party in such a small amount of time for our Ram. Thank you. And Happy birthday, Ram. 

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