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A few days pass in absolute chaos. Ram gets a hold of his anxiety and tries to help Priya. They get to know about Akki's selection and make sure Akki starts to work. Ram starts to stay in the hospital at night with Priya. They start to bond over coffee and casual talks. 

Such one night,

they both sit side by side in comfortable silence. 

At that moment, a doctor comes with good news. Meera is out of the coma. Priya and Ram become so excited hearing the news. They both thank the doctor shaking her hands. After the doctor leaves, they start calling their family members to let them know. Sara cries over the phone listening to the news. She wants to come to the hospital right then. Priya tells her to come in the morning with a few things for Meera. 

Ram and Priya don't get to meet her. But they get to see her from distance. They feel relieved. 

Ram- I told you Meera ma is going to be fine. She's a fighter. 

Priya- And I told you she is in safe hands. 

They both chuckle a bit. 

Ram- Food? I am hungry. And you also haven't eaten anything after lunch. 

Priya agrees to eat. They go to the canteen and come back with sandwiches. Though Ram wanted to try the fried foods they offer but Priya's glare assuaged his desire. 

Ram- So, you don't like any fried food? 

Priya- No. 

Ram- Like never. Not even in your childhood? No samosa, sev puri, gol gappe, kachori, nothing? 

Priya remains silent for a moment. The mention of those brings back several memories- both good and bad. She decides to share a good one. 

Priya- When I was in 4th grade, Sara di was in 12th grade. We would go home together some days. On those days, we used to eat sev puri. One day, it was raining cats and dogs. Sara di and I had brought only one umbrella. It wasn't covering any one of us. So we decided to ditch the umbrella and get drenched. On that day, Sara di bought some sev puri. We walked in rain and ate sev puri. I hated it but loved it too. 

Ram- That's such a sweet memory! Why do you hate it?

Priya- Because there was mud, ditches filled with mud water, germs, cars that were splashing water, and traffic.

Ram- Still you tell the story with a smile. 

Priya notices her own smile after Ram points that out. And suddenly turns it into a frown. Ram curses himself for mentioning that. He speaks to himself, "Ram yaar, why did you mention that? Now she stopped smiling. Such a faint smile that was. And she was looking so pretty. Kuch nahi ho sakta tera Ram."

Ram- And what about the other snacks? 

Priya's frown goes away and a pensive look descends upon her face. She decides to share her pain too.

Priya- I used to love Kachori. Jaipur ki pyaaj wale kachori to be specific. Sir used to bring those. But then...

Just a few days ago Ram got to know about Mahendra Sood. Ram asked Sara about their father if he was alive and got to know the saddest reality of Mahendra Sood from her and how that scarred Priya for life. 

Ram stops Priya. 

Ram- You don't have to tell that anymore. Sara di told me how horrible is that person. You know Priya, who is really unfortunate? That Mahendra Sood. Such a beautiful family with such beautiful, successful, and smart daughters and he missed it all. It is his loss. 

As Ram speaks Priya looks at him. All her life, people have pitied them for this incident. People showed sympathy and concern. Some of them even rebuked them. But never did anyone say it was his loss. Never. Priya looks at the man beside her in amusement. 

In the morning, Sara comes to the hospital with some necessary items. Ram gets a call from the office. Priya also gets a call from twinkle. Twinkle reminds her about her class today. Ram proposes that they should go to Sood house, freshen up, and then go to the office together. Priya refuses as always.

Ram- I know you can manage your transport. But your transport will take time. And I also need a shower I haven't freshened up since yesterday. Going back to my home will consume more time. Priya, please don't refuse it. It's I who needs the help most.

Sara requests Priya to take Ram home. Priya agrees after a few moments. Ram calls Tarun to bring his suit to Sood house. Upon reaching Sood house, Ram proceeds to take shower first. Meanwhile, Priya cleans the house and cooks lunch for Sara and Sandy. Priya hands it to Sandy. Sandy leaves for the hospital. While working Priya checks the clock several times.

"How much time can a man take for a shower?", she wonders. She starts to get irritated. After a good 40 mins Ram comes out. Priya gives him an angry look and goes to take a shower. Ram notices the look and thinks, "What did I do now?"

While Ram was waiting for Priya he gets a text from Sara. 
"Ram, There are some of your favorite chocolate muffins in the fridge in a red box. Please, help yourself."

Ram's eyes lit up reading the text. He immediately calls Sara to thank her and starts to munch on those muffins. Priya finishes her shower in 10 mins. 

Ram thinks to himself, "She's so quick, yaar!" Ram looks at her to say something. But he forgets the words. In amusement, he watches her. Rays of the sun fall on her brown wet hair. Shining water drops fall from her hair as she rubs them with a towel. Water drops glisten on her face and neck. Her skin looks so soft just like butter. Ram feels intoxicated. And suddenly their eyes meet. 

Ram averts his gaze. He stands up from the couch with muffins in his hand and mouth. In a hurry, he stuffs his mouth with the rest of the muffins. And after swallowing them with water, he just says, "We should go now."

Saying that he storms out of the house and sits in the car trying to calm himself. 

Priya stands there befuddled not understanding what prompted Ram to act like this. 

In the car, Ram starts taking deep breaths. He mentally scolds himself, "What was that, Ram? What's wrong with you? Let's not think about it. Priya's coming, just act cool."

After some time, Priya comes and sits in the car. As she sits by his side, Ram starts to feel warm. Thousands of thoughts cloud his mind. 

Ram- P... Priya, I n...need to listen to the news. I hope it doesn't bother you. May I?

Priya- Yes, of course. 

In a hurry, he switches on the radio. To hush the thoughts he tries hard to concentrate on the news. 

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