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Ram made Vedika sit in the car. He couldn't think of a way to handle this. He thought of taking help from someone and the first thought that occurred to him was Priya's. 

He dialed Priya's number and waited eagerly for her to pick up the call. 

Priya- Hello.

Ram- [In a high tone] Hello! P...Priya. She's completely wasted, yaar. I can't decide what to do. I've made her sit in the car. But she's crying, blabbering, and... d...do...doing whatnot.

Ram was about to say that she was all over him and that made him feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't say so feeling ashamed. But Priya understood his discomfort from his shy and irritated tone. 

Priya- Ok, ok. Bring her home. I am telling Mom. 

Ram- Ok, but quickly, ok?

Priya- If you don't come home quickly, what good will my rapidity do?

Ram- O ha, I have to be quick. Ok, I am coming. 

Priya- Ok... Achha suniye?

Ram smiled listening to that phrase. There was something in those words, he couldn't identify what was it. But every time she uttered those, Ram's frowns disappeared and a smile appeared. 

Ram- hmm... Boliye.

Priya- Drive safe, ok? 

Ram- Ok... Achha suniye?

Priya- Ha?

Ram- Wo...

Priya- What is it, Mr. Kapoor?

Ram didn't know what to say. He said so because he wanted to talk to Priya a little more. Looking around he searched for a topic worth mentioning. His gaze fell on Vedika again. A frown reappeared. 

Ram- Achha, suno. Please tell Tarun to wait outside for me. 

Priya- Why? 

Ram- We have to take Vedika inside. I can't do it. 

Priya- Ok, I'm telling our female stuff. 

Ram- Ok, as you see fit. 

Priya cut the call. She went to inform Nandini. Ram sulked a bit as Priya didn't say bye. He sighed and went back to the car. 


Upon reaching home, Ram got out of the car and walked toward the house. Vedika gave a perplexed look to Ram's retreating figure. After a few seconds, Nandini and a few female staff came. Vedika pretended to be passed out. The female staff took Vedika to the Ram. 

Ram walked to Nandini. 

Ram- I am sorry, Mom, for causing this trouble. 

Nandini- It's okay, Ram. Vedika is in trouble. She needs us now. I will look after her. Don't worry.

 Ram- Thank you, Mom. 

Nandini left. Ram looked at Priya who was standing behind him. He wanted to apologize to her too. Priya sensed it and stopped him before he could say so. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, I've waited enough. I can't anymore. 

Ram gave her a perplexed look. He thought she was bothered about Vedika and she had every right to be so. Ram started to fumble. 

Ram- Don't worry. I... I'll... I'll send her b...

Priya- Aren't you hungry? I am famished. I could eat a horse. 

It confused Ram a bit more. But then he laughed like a fool and ran to his room. 

Ram- Tum 2 minutes do, mein 5 minutes pe aata hoon.

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