Where Does The Heart Lie

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A few weeks passed by. Priya was almost healed. Sara was about to go to Kapoor Mansion for Priya's dressing. But she was stopped by Bri. Bri proposed to her to leave Ram and Priya on their own. Priya was almost healed so they would manage just fine. Sara agreed to Bri's proposal. 

So, she called Priya to inform her that due to some urgent work, she wouldn't be able to go. Priya assured her that she would manage by herself. 

After finishing the call, Priya sat in front of the dressing table.

Priya- Bol to diya koi problem nahin. Par aab dressing ka kya karegi, Priya. 

Ram- Kuch kaha tumne?

Ram asked as he heard Priya murmuring upon entering the room. 

Priya- No, nothing. 

Ram- OK. Where's Sara di? 

Priya- She has some urgent business. So, she can't come. 

Ram- Oh. Then what about your dressing?

Priya- I'll manage. 

Priya was trying to do her dressing by herself. Ram ran to her, sat behind her, and held her hand. 

Ram- Main madad kar sakta hu. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, I can manage. 

Ram- I know, par, mujhe bhi maoka de do. 

Priya didn't deny his help. With a smile on her face, she said, "Ok" 

Ram carefully did the dressing of the wounds in her hand. Then he stood behind Priya and put ointment on the wounds which were on her back under the dress she was wearing. Priya shivered feeling his touch. He was so close to her. His scent overwhelmed her senses. 

Priya lost herself in his embrace

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Priya lost herself in his embrace. This has happened before. Priya tried to understand her feelings. She tried to give them a name. She looked at her husband. His eyes, those blue blue green green eyes had always confused her. What were they trying to say to her she never understood until then. 

On that day, she could see what those eyes wanted to convince

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On that day, she could see what those eyes wanted to convince. She could understand what she saw in those eyes a few days ago. 

A fear. Fear of losing her perhaps. Care, concern, and love perhaps.

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