A Sister

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Priya spent the next two days in absolute chaos. She was juggling between her work and home. On top of that, she had to attend one or two meetings in the absence of Ram. In the midst of all of this chaos, she still made sure that Ram got homemade food for every meal. With the help of Punnu in prepping she cooked all of Ram's food by herself. She also gave him company at mealtime. She also had to go to the bakery as Sara's son fell ill too. Sara had to tend to him.

She hardly got any time for herself in these two days. The night before Ram's test report was to come, Priya went to Sara's home to meet her son Ishaan. Ishaan was elated to see his maasi. Varun, Ishaan's father, asked about Ram's health.

Varun- How is Ram now?

Priya- He is fine. He has no symptoms. We will have the reports by tomorrow.

Varun- Don't worry at all. Everything's going to be okay.

Varun went to Ishaan. Sara sat with Priya in the dining hall.

Sara- Now tell me. What's bothering you? 

Priya- Me? Nothing. Why do you ask such a question?

Sara- Priya, don't try to pretend in front of me. I'm your elder sister, ok? I can read you like a book. Tell me, be quick. 

Priya- Sara di, actually. Do you know Vedika? Mr. Kapoor's friend? 

Sara- Which one? Wo jo hudail jaisi dikhti hain? 

Priya- Sara di, kuch bhi. 

Sara- Achha, bol. What about her? 

Priya- She is being abused by her husband, Shashi. 

Priya shared everything with Sara. Sara felt bad for Vedika. But she couldn't understand why she didn't want to let Ram know about this. Priya explained the reason Vedika gave to her. 

Sara- Do you really think Ram can do something like that? Punishing an innocent one for someone else's fault? 

Priya- I don't know. But Vedika knows Mr. Kapoor for so long but I came into his life just a few months ago. And she was his...

Priya stopped before revealing all of it. 

Sara- His what? 

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Sara- His what? 

Priya- H...his college friend. 

Sara- But you are his wife. Conjugal relationships are different. 

Priya- But Sara di...

Sara- Ram has a right to know, Priya. It's about his college friend. And remember Priya, don't let anyone else tell you what you should or should not hide from your husband. Also, you should trust Ram. I know it's hard for you. It was hard for me too. Do you remember? Varun and I had broken up just before I got to know about my pregnancy. At first, I decided to hide it from him thinking he won't be happy about it. But when he knew, he was so happy. He managed everything, he sorted out everything just to be with me and our baby. I know you don't like Varun because he is messy and needs my help often to maintain everything. But we both struggle. And we both support each other. Priya, husband and wife's relationship looks complicated but once you learn to trust, to lean, and to support- it becomes easier to maintain. 

Priya smiled a bit without saying anything. 

Sara- By the way, how is Ram? I mean he was put on bed rest just a few days ago and now again he is isolated. He must be feeling bored, right? 

Priya- Uff... Don't even ask Saradi. He whines like a kid. In fact, yesterday after attending a meeting in the office I took his friends home and fed them Biriyani. When he came to know that he literally threw a tantrum. 

Sara- [Laughing] So cute!

Priya- Cute? This is called childish. He is just like a child. You know what he only has two favorite things in life- food and cloth. And when he gets both he just jumps like a kid. Even in this isolation his face just lits up when he sits to eat. 

Sara- How do you see that?

Priya- Through video call. For every meal, I have to sit in front of the camera now. He has grown this new habit of not eating his meals alone. 

Priya spoke with a tone of complaining and a faint smile. Sara looked at her amused and assured. 

Sara- You know what? I am so happy for you, my baby sister. 

Priya- What happened to you now, Sarangi?

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Priya- What happened to you now, Sarangi?

Sara- [Irked] Hey, don't call me that. 

They both laughed together. Priya spent that night with her sister. Sara felt happy to see this much calmer, at ease version of Priya. In her mind, she thanked God for the happiness Priya found after the marriage. 

"God, please protect my baby sister and her happiness. She has faced a lot and struggled a lot. Don't let her suffer anymore. Protect my sister from evil eyes. Please."

Sara prayed to God in her mind. Her eyes welled up. After Priya had fallen asleep she put a bit of kohl behind Priya's ear and placed a kiss on her forehead. 

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