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Ram & Adi went to Shashi's house to talk to him about him and Vedika. Shashi opened the door with a sour face. Watching Ram made his blood boil in a wave of unknown anger. He felt crippling jealousy inside him. Shashi had always considered him his enemy. He always wanted to surpass Ram in an unannounced participation. Be it in education, career, or in love life. His jealousy towards Ram made him snatch Vedika. His jealousy was the reason for which even after knowing Sahil Babbar, his father's involvement in Virendra Kapoor's death, Shashi kept quiet and let Ram suffer. His mind went on a tour of the past. 

Shashi was in college back then. It was past 10 O'clock. Shashi was outside his father's reading room. He was about to enter the room to talk to his father. But his hands stopped from pushing the door open. His ears became aware of the words which were being exchanged inside. Those weren't any innocent words. Those were the cursed words that were being used to weave a trap for Viredra Kapoor. Shashi took a glance at the people inside. One of them was his father and another was an unknown guy. They were planning an accident to trap Virendra Kapoor for a few hours for Sahil Babbar's benefit. Shashi could've avoided the accident by indirectly informing Ram. But the thought of Ram losing his wealth stopped him from doing so.

Later Shashi knew that the accident didn't take only a few hours from Virendra Kapoor, but his life. Sahil Babbar and the other man weren't happy about it. But Ram's helplessness gave Shashi devilish joy. Later he found out the man who was paid by his father to initiate the accident. 

Mahendra Sood...

And Shashi made a pawn out of him using this little secret for the rest of his life. And now it's time to use that pawn and Vedika to destroy Ram's conjugal life. The thought of ruining Ram once again brought a smile to his face. 

Shashi- Aare, Ram ji. Padhariye. 

Ram- Shashi, I am here to talk to you about Vedika. 

Shashi- Ooo, Ok. What do you want to say? 

Shashi asked while walking to his hall room. Adi and Ram followed him. 

Ram- Look, I don't know what happened between you two. But whatever has happened it is no way to solve that problem. With you here and Vedika there. 

Shashi- Who wants to solve it anyway, Ram? 

Ram- Don't you guys love each other?

Shashi- [Laughing] Love? And Vedika? Ram, come on. Don't be so naive. It doesn't suit you. After you are the king of the Kapoor empire. 

Ram- Shashi, stop beating around the bush. Let's come to the point. 

Shashi- Ok. Let's come to the point. The point is Ram, Vedika has left me. She has left her incapable husband who is now knee-deep in debt. You know Vedika. She has only seen luxury and nothing else in her life. Now I am incapable of giving her a luxurious life. And that's it. Now tell me how can I solve this problem? What is the way? 

Ram looked concerned. He took a moment to think. 

Ram- Ok, then. We will settle. 

Shashi- Settle what? 

Ram- Your debt. You should give Adi all the details. I will negotiate with the lenders and settle the debt. And I will help you in starting a new business. Once you start making the profit you can pay me and the lenders back.

Shashi couldn't believe his ears. 

Shashi- Wow! Ram. Such generosity! I must say, the things you do, the love you have for Vedika are just...

Ram- I am not doing this for her. 

Ram stopped Shashi before completing the sentence. 

Ram- This is not for her. This is for my wife. I don't want her to be uncomfortable in her own house.

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