Half Truth

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Ram placed a small kiss on her bare back and hugged her from behind. Priya held is hands tightly.

Ram- Has the storm in my biwi's mind stopped?

Priya slightly nodded. Ram placed his chin on her shoulder and she leaned her head onto his. 

Ram- Tomorrow's holi. We are going to wear our couple outfit. It's going to be so much fun, no?

Priya nodded again and after a long pause Priya spoke. 

Priya- Ram?

Ram- Hmm.

Priya- I was thinking...

Ram- Hmm?

Priya- Let's have kids. 

Ram's jaw dropped listening to her. 

Ram- Really? Are you ready for it? I mean it's so sudden. 

Priya- Why? Are you not? Don't you want kids? 

Priya spoke after breaking the hug and facing him. Ram smiled. 

Ram- Of course, I want kids. I was just thinking about you. What about your PhD program?

Priya- I can manage. 

Ram- But that's going to be hard for you. 

Priya- Why are you acting like this? Why do you want to avoid having kids? Don't you want a kid anymore? Or don't you want a kid from me? 

Ram- What's wrong with you? How could you say that?

Priya- Yeah, of course, I'm the one who's wrong here. Everything's wrong with me. Why would want a kid from me? Why would you love me? I'm not worthy of it. I'm not worthy of love. I'm not worthy of you. I'm not worthy of giving birth to your kids. 

Priya broke down again and sat on the bed. She started to cry again. 

Ram sat beside her. Her emotions, reactions- everything was new to Ram as she never behaved like this. Without asking anything he passed her a box of tissue. 

Priya saw the box and took a tissue from it. She tried to calm down and speak to Ram. 

Priya- Krish called yesterday. They have found who was behind the accident. It's Sashi Babbar. 

Ram- What? Shashi? 

Priya- Yes. 

Ram- That's impossible. 

Priya- They had trapped Mahendra Sood's phone and they heard Mahendra Sood and Shashi Babbar's conversation. 

Ram- I can't believe it. 

Ram stood up and started to walk. Priya looked at his expression. The way he was shocked hearing Shashi's involvement made her even more afraid about speaking the next truth. 

Suddenly Ram stopped. He looked angry. 

Ram- I won't spare him. How dare he do this! 

Ram picked up his phone. Priya stood up and stopped him. 

Priya- What are you doing? 

Ram- I'm calling the police. How dare he plan this! I want him behind the bars right now. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, calm down. Let them catch Mahendra Sood first. 

Ram- But why? And why didn't you tell me this yesterday. I asked so many times what had happened. But you just kept crying. And exactly why were you crying?

Priya averted her gaze from Ram. 

Ram- Priya, don't look away. You're hiding something. I can sense it. 

Priya- It's just...

Ram held her hands and asked her once again. 

Priya- I need some time, Ram. Can I have some time, please?

Ram- But I am getting impatient here. Perhaps, I can solve your problem. Please, talk to me. 

Priya smiled with tears in her eyes. 

Priya- Please, Ram. Give me one day. Just one more day.

Ram looked at her pale face. He took her into a hug. She wrapped her hands around him. 

Ram- Take your time. But don't hide anything from me, okay?

Priya- Okay.

"Just one more day. Just one more day with your love. Tomorrow's Holi. You were so excited about our couple outfit. I want to see the excitement in your eyes. I want to adorn myself for you. I want to see the love for me in those eyes. Even if it is for the last time." Priya thought closing her eyes feeling the warmth of the hug. 

"Just one more day..."

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