The Photo

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Ram reaches Kapoor Mansion after dropping Bri at her house. He switches on the stereo. He removes his blazer and throws it on the bed. Tarun comes there and starts to clean after him. While emptying the pockets before taking the coat to wash, Tarun finds the photo in it. 

Tarun- Sir? 

Ram- Ha? 

Tarun- I found this in your pockets. Where should I keep it? 

Ram- Ha, that was supposed to be with Bri. What is it doing in my blazer? Achha, you keep it on my medicine tray. I need to give it to Bri tomorrow. 

Tarun- Ok, sir. 

Tarun puts the photo on the tray and goes away. Ram freshens up and has his dinner alone like always. 

Before sleeping Ram proceeds to take a few medicines. That's when he looks at the photo. He takes the photo in his hand. He starts Observing the photo. 

"Priya can smile!"

-That was the first thought that comes to his mind. And then comes the train of thought. 

"Her attention was somewhere else. Otherwise, she wouldn't smile for the camera."

"Last when did I see a girl's photo without any makeup?  Priya doesn't put any makeup on. She doesn't adorn herself a bit. Is she lazy or something? Even her earrings are so small, I wonder what purpose they serve. But still, she doesn't look bad at all."

"She just looks tired. Her eyes look really tired. There's a lot going on in her life. And as per what Akki said she's struggling for a long time. Their business should have stood well by now. Why don't they hire some helping hands? Is there any problem there? I should ask Akki. If there's a financial problem in their house, will Shivi be happy there? They have a nice house though & a warm family. Also, Akki will build a good career, that boy has potential."

For the first time, Ram notices the mole on her nose. Slowly Ram lies down while observing the photo. He rests his head on one hand, and the other hand holds the photo. Ram even notices Priya's dress. He has seen her wearing this dress just a few days ago. 

"Her dresses are too simple. What's the fabric? Cotton, I guess. She always opts for cotton. If she could she would wear hand-spun khadi only."

Ram chuckles at his own joke. 

"But then again, she looks elegant in them. Not everybody can pull this off."

Ram keeps thinking about this and that. & eventually, he drifts to sleep. 

Without taking his medicines. 

With his hand holding the photo on his chest. 


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