Dilemma II

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That day Ram comes to a bouncing Shivina.

Shivi- Ram vai, Ram vai. I am so happy!!!

She speaks as she hugs him.

Ram- Areh! What happened? 

Shivi- Mom, told me you are going to marry Pri di! It'll be so cool. Pri di will be my sis-in-law and my Bhaabi!! I am so excited!!

Ram- That's not yet decided, ok?

Shivi- What? You won't marry her? 

Ram- It's not about me. It's about her. The final decision should be hers. I can't force her into this. 

Shivi- But...

Ram- No one can force her Shivi. It's about her life.

Shivi- But if she says no, Akki will postpone our marriage. He cares a lot about her. More than anyone.

Before Ram could say anything Nandini speaks. 

Nandini- Don't worry, Shivi. She'll say yes. 

"It didn't seem so to me", Ram thinks to himself. But he doesn't say anything. He thinks of informing everything's fine. Akki is going to marry her soon. But something stops her. Something stops him from saying that he wouldn't have to marry Priya for Shivi. Priya saw to that. Something in him stops to nip the idea of their marriage in the bud. Ram doesn't know why he's hiding this. But he stops thinking about it. 

He smiles and changes the topic. He asks them if they've eaten knowing that the answer will always be yes. Still, somewhere in his heart, there is a little bit of hope, that says one day they will wait for him. After they go to their room Ram comes to his sanctuary- his room. 

He freshens up and takes his dinner. 

After finishing all work he picks up his only childhood photo with his mother. 
This photo has been his support for the last 34 years. 

Ram- Ma, I met a girl. She's a professor by job and also by character. She keeps lecturing everyone. She's also honest and just- like a professor. She puts up her hair in a ponytail. She has brown and straight hair. Her clothes are too simple. They almost look like uniforms. But she can make those look good. She's Akki's sister, Shivi's boyfriend Akki. You know, ma, things happened and now people are talking about my marriage with her! Can you imagine, ma? Your Ram's marriage. 
Who could've thought after Vedu's marriage...

Something happened to her too. She looks so tired all the time. But she never stops working. She doesn't believe in love. I don't know why. But she doesn't. She's quite practical. She tends to put others before herself. Even now, she's marrying off her little brother before herself just because of Shivi. 

I am confused, ma. What should I do? Mom asked for her hand for me. Bri wants me to marry her. And I... I don't know actually. I am in a dilemma. I wish you were here. 

I really wish you and dad were here...

I really wish... 


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