The Proposal

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Ram- P...p..pregnant?

Nandini- Actually.... Ram....

Nandini tries to find words to hide the fact. But the damage has been done. So, she starts to cry instead.

Nandini- Ha Ram. It's Akshay's. I've come to know this recently. I really tried to tell you this but... I didn't know how to say such a thing.

Ram- Does Akki know?

Shivi- Ha, vai. He said he'll manage. He calls me or texts me every hour. He'll take care of me. 

Nandini- Akshay is still trying to keep his promise of marrying off his sister first. His sister seems to be his first priority. What's gonna happen to my Shivi, only God knows.

Shivi- Come on, mom. Pri di did a lot for him. 

Nandini- You keep quiet. How are you so naive? Ram, did you find a guy for her? 

Ram- [still in a daze] Not yet, mom. Those guys are so misogynistic. Priya can't marry them. Let's take Shivi to her room. We can discuss it there. 

They take Shivi to her room. Ram helps Shivi to lie down and sits beside Ram. 

Nandini- Ram, does Priya have a personal choice? Like someone...

Ram- No, mom. Why? 

Nandini comes in front of Ram and holds his hand. 

Nandini- If not then I want you to marry her. 

Ram- What?

Nandini- Ha Ram. We don't have any other options. Shivi and Akshay must marry soon. We don't have much time. 

Ram- But mom, I'm...

Nandini- [Leaving Ram's hand] Oh, so you don't want to. I won't do that.

Ram- No, mom, I just want to say.....

Nandini- [Looking down and sitting on the bed] No, Ram, It's okay. I can understand. Who will do this for their little sister? I can understand if you don't want to do this. 

Ram- [kneeling in front of Nandini] I've never said that, mom. I can do anything for Shivi, anything. But what about Priya? 

Nandini- [Looking at Ram] I'll see to that, Ram. Just tell me one thing. If Priya agrees, will you marry her for your sister? 

Ram- Anything for Shivi, mom. Anything. 

Nandini- Thank you, Ram. Thank you so much. I'll take the proposal to Soods then. 

Ram- Ok, mom. But let me talk to Priya. 

Nandini- Ok. 

Ram- [placing his hand on her head] Shivi, take care of yourself, ok? Your brother is here. I'll sort this out. 

Ram places a kiss on Shivi's forehead and leaves for his office. 

Ram plans to talk to Priya after finishing his lined-up meetings, in the evening.

Meanwhile, Nandini decides to meet the Soods at noon. She knows how easily Ram can be manipulated. What if Priya decides to decline and call off Akshay and Shivina's marriage? Thousands of thoughts about the worst things that can happen, cloud her mind. 

Nandini reaches the Sood house after lunch. 

There Nandini introduces herself and Meera welcomes her. There is nobody else in the house. 

Nandini- Your nephew doesn't want to marry before your daughter. For him, his sister comes first. It's nice, I understand. 

Meera- I'm sorry, Nandini ji. But he is stubborn about his promise. We are searching for a guy for Priya. 

Nandini- I have a proposal for you. I want your Priya for my elder son, Ram. 

Meera gets shocked. She offers Nandini to sit. Both of them sit on the sofa. 

Meera- Thank you, Nandini ji for the proposal. I've known Ram for a short time. But I could see that he is a good human being. Does he know about the proposal? Has he given his consent?

Nandini- Ji, Meera ji. I've talked to him. He has. Do you accept this proposal? 

Meera- I'll be more than happy to accept this proposal. But accepting or declining this proposal is not in my hand. It is up to Priya. My daughters have always taken their own decisions. It'll be the same for this proposal. But...

Nandini- Look, Meera ji. I've spent half of my life without a partner. I do have a family. But the need for a partner was always there. 

Meera- I can understand. I am also a single mother. But Priya doesn't see the world like a woman yet. Inside her still a little girl dwells, who is angry with society. You see, my husband, the father of my three daughters left us. After that Priya...

Nandini- That's so sad. 

Meera- [after a pause] I'll talk to Priya. And I'll let you know her decision. Nandiniji, please wait a few minutes. I'll bring some cookies and tea. 

Nandini- No, let it be. I've eaten my lunch not long ago. You just try to convince her. This is the best proposal she could have gotten. Anyway, I'll leave. Namaste. 

Meera- Namaste. 

After a few hours, everyone comes home from their work. Meera informs them about the proposal. Everybody becomes happy but sad too. As they don't know how to convince Priya. 

That day, Priya returns home a bit early. As soon as she rings the bell, Sandy runs to open the door. Sandy wastes no time informing Priya.

Sandy- Pri di guess what? 

Priya- What? 

Sandy- Guess who came to our home today. 

Priya- I know you won't stop until you've said that. So, say it yourself.

Sandy- I'll give you some options. a.....

Priya- Sandy, I don't have any time to play "Sasta KBC" with you. Bolna hain to bol warna ja.

Sandy- Ok, ok. Mrs. Nandini Kapoor asked your hand for her son Mr. Ram Kapoooooorrrrr...

Priya looks at her in disbelief. 

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