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Sara- So, Priya, what's the plan for 17th January? 

Priya- Plan? Nothing special.

Sara- Nothing special?? You do know that it's Ram's birthday tomorrow, right? 

Priya- Of course, I know. Mr. Kapoor told me everything about himself like he was attending some job interview. 

Priya chuckled but the next moment she scrunched her eyebrows. 

Priya- Ek minute. How do you know that? 

Sara- Areh, I am his sister now. Sara"di" bolta hain wo mujhe. Why wouldn't a sister know her brother's birthday? 

Priya- Sister? Brother? Suits you two. Both of you are so dramatic! 

Sara- Leave that. Now tell me, what will you do?

Priya- Karna kya hain? I will give him a gift. 

Sara- What gift?  

Priya- I haven't decided yet. 

Sara- Tu bhi na Priya. You have only three days! 

Priya- Aap mujhe tang maat karo. 

Sara- Achha, listen. I was thinking. You should do something special. He was ill for so many things. You should do something to cheer him up. You can throw a party! Ram loves parties, na?

Priya- Party? And me? No way, Saradi. Sorry. 

Priya left the bakery while Sara kept calling her name. 


Bri called Vedika to a coffee shop. She hated talking to Vedika. But Ram requested her. 

After Vedika's arrival, Bri asked her about her marriage without beating around the bush. Vedika was trying to avoid it. Bri understood her intentions from her reluctance. 

Bri- Vedika, what you are doing is cheap. 

Vedika- You just can't tolerate me, can you? I am a victim of domestic violence and you...

Bri- No, you are not. You are not. Don't try to pretend to be one. No woman in her right mind will continue to decline the help offered to them. Keep your sob story about Sid for someone else. I know you are not that great. And forget about you. You are telling Ram will destroy his future! Ram? How dare you put such an allegation on him. We both know, he will never do that. He is not like other inconsiderate men. 

Vedika- Whatever. I don't care about what you think. Stop wasting my time.

Bri- & I don't care about you. 

Bri stormed out of the cafe. She was seething in anger. She called Ram. 

Ram- Ha jaan bol. Did you talk to her. 

Bri- Ram, bahar nikaalo usse apni ghar se. She's not a victim, ok? She's lying. 

Ram- Did she tell you that? 

Bri- Would she, Ram? Seriously? You are still asking about her opinion! Don't you trust me? 

Ram- Calm down, jaan. Of course, I trust you. But I also know that you can't tolerate her. So...

Bri- So, now you think my opinion is biased? This is not done, yaar...

Bri continued to argue with Ram. Vedika listened to a fraction of their conversation. She smiled. She felt relieved to know that Ram still trusted her and cared for her. But she was also scared about what steps might Adi & Bri take. So, she decided to take a big action. 

"I just need Priya to leave Ram. If I can just create a piece of scandalous news, she will leave Ram for sure. Her self-respect is more valuable to her than anything else."

With that thought, Vedika contacted the paparazzi. 


In the evening, Ram and Priya returned home together. When they were about to enter the house, Ram got a call from Vedika. He informed Priya that Vedika was calling him. He picked up the call. Priya started walking wanting to give Ram some privacy. But Ram followed her while talking. Priya stopped for a moment to let Ram go first. But Ram stopped too waiting for her to walk. Priya found it cute. On the staircase, she was thinking about how cute her husband was, behaving just like a cute puppy. Priya smiled while turning behind to watch Ram again and again. Just when she was about to enter their room, Ram held her hand. 

Ram- Vedika called. 

Priya's smile disappeared. She became serious. 

Priya- Is everything alright? 

Ram- I don't know. She is crying.

Priya- Where is she? 

Ram- There's a cafe near marine drive. She is around that place. 

Priya took a moment and then spoke.

Priya- You should go to her. She must be alone. 

Ram- Ok, let's go together. 

Ram started walking still holding her hand. 

Priya stopped him. 

Priya- Ram. You should go. She might not be comfortable around me. I'm a stranger to her. You are...

Ram- Just an old acquaintance now. 

Priya- But still. You knew each other & it doesn't bother me to be very honest. Bring her home. She needs all the support she can get. This is a tough time for her. 

Ram looked at Priya in awe. The more he knew her the more she mesmerized him. Her kind heart hidden under her rude demeanor slowly revealed itself to Ram. 

Ram- [Smiling] Tum na, tum hi ho Priya. Achha, suno. I'll be quick. Don't eat without me, ok?

Priya- [Smiling] Ok. 

Ram left to bring back Vedika. 


Ram found Vedika in a corner of the cafe. A dim-lit corner. As soon as Vedika noticed Ram, she started crying. Ram went to her and sat in front of her.

Ram- What happened, Vedika? 

Vedika- Nothing Ram. Just paying for my sins.

Ram- What are you talking about? 

Vedika- You were so good to me, so kind, loving, & caring. And I stabbed your heart. I made you cry. And now I am paying for my sins with my tears and sorrows. 

Vedika stood up and sat beside Ram. She was reeking of alcohol as she splashed some on herself. 

Ram- Are you drunk? 

Vedika- What else could I have done? My world is collapsing Ram.

Saying this Vedika put her head on Ram's shoulder. Ram tried to move a bit. Sensing that Vedika pretended to fall. Ram held her quickly. 

Ram- Let's go home. You are wasted. 

Vedika- You still care for me. Why don't you hate me, Ram? I hurt you. Why don't you hate me? Perhaps your hatred will wash some of my sins. 

Ram struggled to make her stand up. Vedika kept pretending to be swooned. She was leaning on Ram. Ram thought her to be completely wasted. But in reality, it was a part of her act. The swooning, leaning were posed for paparazzi, who were clicking photos to level them as intimate and make scandalous news out of it. 

As Ram took her to the car with great difficulty, Vedika thought, 

"Just let tomorrow come. These pictures will be all over the news. And then Priya will obviously leave you. Sorry, Ram. Sorry in advance for you might hear some resentful words from Priya. But bear with it. I'll be your support. I'll come into your life. We will be together."

Vedika smirked thinking about her triumph. 

                                               *                   *                   *

Sorry for being late. This chapter may feel triggering. But please bear with it. Sorry in advance. :) 

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