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The next morning, 

Ram is having his breakfast alone. At that time Shivi comes down and sits at the dining table. 

Ram- Wow! I must check the western sky right now.

Shivi- What? Why?

Ram- The sun has risen from the west today.

Shivi- What rubbish vai?

Ram- Are! It's true!

Shivi- How can that be true?

Ram- Just how Shivi woke up so early today.

Shivi- OMG! vai. Such a bad joke! My ears are gonna commit suicide.

Ram- [Laugh] Achha, tell me. Why so early?

Shivi- Cause I'm famished! You can't imagine how hungry I am. Tarun, bring my food.

Ram- Oh hello! I can always imagine hunger, even when I'm completely filled, ok?

Shivi- Yeah yeah whatever. 

Ram- By the way, tell me how is your study going on? 

Shivi- Fine. And how is your matchmaking campaign going on?

Shivi's question reminds Ram of last night. He smiles remembering how Priya laughed at his jokes. "Perhaps that joke was really funny. I must share this with the gang. But how do I bring it up? Why will they cry?" Then he starts wondering with a serious face, "I should talk to Priya today. Whatever happened last shouldn't have happened. How bad she must have felt! How's she doing now? I should check on her." 

Shivi- Hello, vai. Why do you look so serious? Is everything alright? 

Ram- Yeah, yeah. I was just thinking about another guy. The first one turned out to be a total jerk. 

Shivi- What? VAI!! Pri di hates men already and you set her up with a jerk! Do you want to see me happily married or not? What will Akki think about it? How Pri di will be handling it? 

Shivi gets all worked up. 

Ram- Bacche, bacche. I'll handle everything. Don't take any stress, ok? 

At that moment Tarun brings a kale smoothie and waffles for Shivi. 

Shivi takes a sip of that smoothie, feels nauseated, and runs off to the washroom. 

Ram runs after her. Shivi starts puking. Ram holds her hair for her and starts to panic. 

He calls for Nandini and Shuvu, and Tarun. Everyone runs to them. Seeing Shivi puking Nandini drives everyone away. She pushes Ram and holds Shivi. Ram stands there for a few seconds with his hand on his head and another on his waist. Then he speaks. 

Ram- I'm gonna call our family doctor. 

Nandini- [screams] Noo...

Ram- Why, mom? Look how sick Shivi is. She never did this before. 

Nandini- No, Ram, stop. Don't need to call the doctor. 

Ram- Why? 

Nandini- You don't need to. I'll handle it. 

Ram- How, mom? Listen to me, please. We need to treat Shivi. Shivi needs a check-up. This is not normal. 

Nandini- This is normal. Just leave it up to me. You can go to your work.

Ram- How can I go, mom? Our Shivi is sick, you won't let me call the doctor, we don't know what happened to her...

Nandini- It's ok, I'll manage. 

Ram- How, mom, how? Do you know what happened to her? Does Shivi know? How are we gonna manage? 

Shivi- I know, I'm pregnant. 

This statement shocks both Ram and Nandini. Nandini didn't expect her to blurt everything out. And Ram, well for Ram it was a bolt from the blue. 

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