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Ram- At first, we need to unfold the saree.

Ram declared when Priya was opening the box. Priya got startled for a second. 

Priya- Wow! really, Mr. Kapoor? I wouldn't know if you didn't tell that. 

Unable to understand the sarcastic undertone, Ram replied.

Ram- I've memorized the whole manual. You don't have to worry at all.

Priya- That was sarcasm, I wasn't praising you. Of course I knew I had to unfold it first. Even a kid would know that. 

Ram looked at Priya completely dumbfounded. After a few moments he started narrating the process again. 

Ram- You won't know the next step. After that, we have to mix the color and prepare the cloth. Color mixing is a really important part. If we fail to do it everything will fall apart. You really need to know the ratio of color to water here. Also, the...

Priya- I know it, Mr. Kapoor.

Priya interrupted being impatient by Ram's long speech.

Priya- I learned it from maa. 

Ram- But the manual...

Priya- Aapko mujh varosa nahin hain par aapki Meera maa pe to hain na? 

Ram- What are you saying, Priya? Varosa tum par bhi hain. 

Priya- Then drop the manual and let me do this.

Ram- But I want to do it together. And if I drop the manual then I'd have to sit far away. Because I wasn't trained by Meera maa, na? 

Priya- But Mr. Kapoor, I feel uncomfortable doing something while reading the manual. 

Ram- Ok then, wait for a minute. Let me revise it and then we can do it together. 

Priya- Let me make the knots while you revise it. 

Priya started to tie the knots in the fabric while Ram revised it. 

Ram- To, kis rang me rangu? 

Priya looked at Ram. His dreamy eyes and deep voice made him feel like a hero. 
She remembered the time when she thought,
"...Aur hamare story ki hero to aap hain, aur mein khadoos."

With a soft smile she said,

Priya- Aapki marzi.

Ram- Mere rang mein rangne ke liye tayaar ho? 

"Aapki rang me to kab ki rang chuki", her inner mind spoke. Her face turned red realizing how cringy her thought was. She blushed and felt helpless. Without giving a response she concentrated on the fabric. Ram saw his Priya's flushed face. Without hearing a word from her he knew that his words had cast a spell on her. With a naughty smile he started to mix the color. 

He asked for Priya's help to mix the color. She helped him. 

After mixing the color she shook her hands to get rid of the water. Suddenly a drop of water went into Ram's eye. 

Ram- Aa!

Priya- What happened? 

Ram- Wo... pani... color... my eyes!

Priya hurriedly went near Ram to check. She took a part of her stole and pressed it on the corner of his eyes. Then she gently blew on it. 


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