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Ram, Shivi, and Akshay planned a small function for "chuda wadna" as per Priya's wish at the breakfast table. They planned to execute the function on the very same day in the evening inviting only close friends and family.

Akshay and Shivi finished their breakfast quickly and started to prepare for the function. 

Ram and Priya were alone at the table. Priya was lost in her thoughts. She never thought to be the center of any function. She never thought so many people would want to celebrate her special days. 

Ram snapped his fingers to bring her back to reality. She was shocked at the sound. 

Ram- Where were you lost?

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Ram- Where were you lost?

Priya- Nowhere. 

Ram- So, you are getting a small function just like you wanted. Are you excited?

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, what is there to get excited about? It's just another ritual. Am I a little kid that I will get excited for a ceremony where basically 10 people do a simple task that can be done alone?

Ram- Priya, such a killjoy you are! I am damn excited!

Priya smiled seeing his enthusiasm. 


In a quaint, cozy living room adorned with soft lights and fragrant flowers, the atmosphere was alive with warmth and familiarity. The air hummed with a sense of togetherness as Ram and Priya's friends and families gathered for a small, intimate gathering. They came with gifts, blessings, and well wishes for the couple. 

There were no grand gestures or ostentatious decorations, just an abundance of heartfelt gestures. A gentle touch on the shoulder, a knowing smile exchanged, a friend's hug, a sister's kiss on the cheek, a mother's comforting touch- Priya etched all of these in her memories. Her heart was filled with joy and gratitude.

Akshay was smiling seeing the happy face of his most beloved sister. His eyes moistened. Ram noticed his smile etched with sadness. He walked towards him and kept his hand on Akshay's shoulder. 

Ram- What happened, Akki?

Akshay- Nothing, jiju. I was just trying to remember the last when I saw Pri di this happy. Thank you for coming into her life jiju. 

Ram- Areh, no, no. If anything I should thank her for bringing happiness into my life. 

Akshay- You both complement each other well. 

Both of them laughed agreeing to each other. 

In the midst of the ceremony, Ram and Priya often stole glances. In his gaze, she saw a warmth that spread from his eyes to his smile, a silent affirmation of the love they shared. In her eyes, he found a reflection of his own emotions, a universe of feelings that had no need for words.

In the soft glow of ambient light, he stood mesmerized, his eyes tracing every delicate detail that adorned his wife. From a distance, his eyes caught a glimpse of the delicate flower nestled around her hair bun, a radiant adornment through the sheer veil that enshrouded her. His heart skipped a bit to see her let the flowers, he had brought for her, embrace her hair, though she didn't love adorning herself.

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