Bella Grace and Sofia Marie Casey

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Hi Readers: Well, if that wasn't a huge turn of events. Well, I hope that you guys liked that change, because I am more than ready to continue with the story. Let me know what you guys think, and if you have any ideas for the story.

The Casey Group (@thecaseygroup): "The Chairman and CEO is proud to announce the birth of the newest heiresses to the Casey Family Company: Miss Bella Grace and Miss Sofia Marie Casey. Babies and mother are recuperating in the hospital. 12-09-19."

4 PM: Kapiolani-Tripler Army Medical Center
That was the message that Heather sent out on the official twitter page of the Casey Group, the message that led to a fleury of phone calls. Including the one that he was currently having with Chief Boden, as he stood in the bathroom of his and Gabby's hospital room. "Yeah, so it happened again." Boden agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I'm so sorry that's the case Matt, I hope you know that the entire firehouse feels the way." Matt agreed with Boden as he said that, well aware that was the case. "How's Gabby doing?" Matt sighed. "She's asleep right now, which is what she needs right now. Heck, I am going to need some sleep tonight; especially when I am so damn worried about all of this." Boden agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Just know that the firehouse is thinking of you." Matt agreed with Boden as he said that. "Speaking of that, can you do me a favor?" Boden agreed. "Of course, what is it Matt?" Matt sighed. "Can you call Severide and ask him and Stella not to come yet?"

Boden was confused as he heard Matt say that. "Is everything okay between you guys?" Matt sighed. "Gabby and Stella got into a fight ahead of her going into preterm labor." Boden understood right away why Matt said that now. "Matt, I got it. I will call them and talk to them for you guys. Just please, take it easy and relax." Matt sighed as he heard Boden say that. "Yeah, I hope I can. May I remind you that I have PTSD?" Boden sighed as he heard Matt say that. "Can I apologize again for not seeing the signs Matt? Had I known, I would've..." Matt just stopped Boden there. "Boden, it's okay. Things are okay now, and we just need to relax and take it easy. We have Matteo and Noah taken care of by our mothers..." Boden was shocked as he heard Matt say mothers. "Wait, they found your mom? I didn't see her at the vow renewal." Matt agreed. "Yeah, we found her in Chicago. But yeah, complicated. Now listen, I need to go. I just wanted to let you guys know in Chicago." Boden agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that's the case.

"Of course, Matt, I understand. And last time I checked, I called you." Matt then realized that, before taking a breath. "You know what, never mind. Just take a breath and take it easy Matt." Matt agreed with Boden as he said that, well aware that he needs to do that. "I just hate that we're in this position again; I'm not sure whether I can deal with this." Boden agreed with Matt. "Matt, rely on your friends and family who are there for you." Matt sighed. "Yeah, because I have my brother with me right now. I still feel like a failure. Did I tell you that Stella did this?" Boden agreed with Matt. "Yes, you told me that they got into a fight; and I am going to talk to them right after I talk to you, I promise." Matt agreed with Boden as he said that. "That's if Antonio didn't already talk to them." Boden then went to make a joke, trying to make Matt feel better. "Wow, the man who led your boys to..." Matt then stopped him. "Yeah, not in the mood Boden." Boden agreed with Matt as he said that. "Of course. Send my prayers to Gabby, and those of the entire firehouse."

Matt agreed with Boden as he said that, before going to hang up; after which, he heard Camila walk up to him. "Matt?" Turning his head when he heard Camila, Matt smiled. "Hey, sorry..." Camila shook her head as Matt apologized. "Hey, you have no reason to apologize. Who were you on the phone with?" Matt took a breath. "Chief Boden in Chicago, wanted to let them know." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, watching as he got up; after which, he went to hug her. "Wait, how are the boys? Are they..." Camila then proceeded to put her hands on his cheeks. "Hey, the boys are okay. They're okay Matt. They're with your mom at the penthouse, I just have clothes for you here to get changed into if you want them." Matt agreed with Camila as she said that, before going to grab the bag from her. "Thanks, I appreciate that. But Gabby isn't awake yet, and Antonio is just taking..." That's when Antonio walked up. "Mom?" Turning around, Camila smiled as she looked at Antonio. "Glad that you went with them." Antonio agreed.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now