You Okay with Me Going In? (Dressed)

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Walking back over to Alex once he was fully dressed, and ready to go to the office; Jay smiled as he went ahead and looked at the woman he loves, who just so happened to have just moved over in bed for a reason. And that reason would be that she wants the man she loves to sit down in bed with her and wrap his arm around her. And let's just say that Jay was more than ready to do just that, as he was happy to hold his beautiful wife in his arms; because he loves her more than anything in the entire world, and she's the woman of his dreams. So here he was, sitting down in bed with his beautiful wife as he wrapped his arm around her this morning; but at the same time, he felt Alex grab his action which also forced him to turn his head, and look into her gorgeous eyes today.

The eyes that he loves to stare into, because she truly is the love of his life; but it also prompted him to do something else, which would be to lean in and kiss the woman he loves softly. And let's just say that Alex love that feeling, the feeling of his soft lips on hers as they took things nice and slow with each other. "Damn, I love that feeling so much." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am well aware of the fact that you love the feeling of my lips on yours; and I also know that you wished that I was shirtless, as I kiss you this morning." Alex shook her head, as that most certainly was not the case; and that was due to the fact that she wanted to take it easy, and she just wanted to relax with him this morning (which is what she needs to do anyways).

"No, I'm more than okay with you not being we need to take it easy right now."

Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that, before smiling as he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly; after which, he turned his head and bent down to kiss the woman he loves softly. "I love you." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that he loves her, as that was something that she knew; so much so, that he didn't have to tell her. "Jay, you don't have to tell me that you love me. You do so much for me, that I know that you love me. You are such a great father, an amazing husband; and you always protect me, and our interests." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, because that's something that he'll always so; simply due to the fact that he is her husband. It's his job as her husband to protect her, and that's never going to be something that she can't rely on him to do.

The last thing that Jay wants Alex to be is hurt, emotionally or physically; and it pained him to see her hurt when she was giving birth to the twins, because that was something that truly broke his heart. "Alex, I love you; and I will always protect you, even when you don't want me to protect you. And I know you are a very strong woman, but you are going to have to put up with me protecting you; you and our family, and our marriage means more to me than anything. And I will always defend and protect us and our family." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, well aware that was the case as she proceeded to put her hands on his face; after all, she wants something from her husband right now. And that would be another kiss, a sweet this on her lips; given to her by the man she loves.

"Come here handsome and give mommy what she wants right now."

Jay smiled and agreed with Alex as she told him that, before leaning over her and going to kiss her softly; after all, that was exactly what they both wanted him to do right now. They both wanted him to lean over her, and kiss her softly. However, what they didn't expect was to be disturbed. But unfortunately, that was exactly what happened right now. "And that would be my brother, who always has the best timing in the entire world." Alex was a bit confused as she heard Jay mention that his brother is here, as she didn't know why. "Why's Will here?" Jay smiled. "Did you really think that I would take I'll be okay for an adequate answer? I already called them, and asked Natalie to be here; so that she can help if you need help, as we have twins." Alex laughed, before agreeing with Jay.

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