Ryan & Sarah Miller are Expecting, Part 2

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"Ryan and Sarah Miller are expecting."

Turning his head as he heard Gabby say that two of their employees, who are still basically newlyweds, are expecting; Matt couldn't help but smile as that was some of the best news that he could hear. I mean, who wouldn't be happy for a couple when they're expecting their first child. "Well, that's great news for them." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as that most certainly is the truth. "Maybe great enough news, that it can be celebrated between us with a kiss?" Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, as that most certainly was something that he wanted to give his wife; he wanted to give her a kiss, so that she can be happy as they cuddle up to each other in bed. "I think that can be arranged." Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that, glad that he was going to give her one.

I mean, not that she would ever expect her husband to not want to give her a kiss, because he's addicted to her; he always wants to kiss her, and she always wants to be kissed by her dreamy husband. And that's exactly what Matt's on his way to do right now, while also climbing into bed with her. "God, you look pretty comfortable there Ms. Casey." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, that's due to the fact that I am very comfortable." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, while continuing to make his way over to his gorgeous wife; whom he's more than ready to hold in his arms, as they share a sweet kiss with each other. "How about you slip over? That way, I can get in bed a bit easier." Gabby agreed with Matt, doing just that.

After all, she wants to make it easy for Matt to get in bed with her. To wrap his strong arms around her and hold her close to him for the rest of her life. Because damn, does she just love the feeling of Matt's strong arms around her more than anything. "God, you look so sexy as you make your way over to me like that." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, clearly able to see that she was turned on as he made his way up to their bed; after which he leaned over her when he was standing right next to her and placed his hand on her neck. "Well, I have to say this. I have a damn sexy wife, and I am so glad that she's back in our bed where she belongs." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as she feels the same way; she feels like she belongs here, as she does belong here.

She belongs in her bed, with her husband where he can hold her close to him day and night. And that's exactly what Matt plans on doing today, as they cuddle up to each other and just hold each other close. "Well, what are you waiting for? Last time I checked, we both want to be in bed with each other." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, while looking at the woman he loves; after which, he proceeded to climb into bed with her so that he can hold her close to him, just like they both want. They both want to be in each other's arms, as they cuddle up to each other in bed; because the truth is, that's where they're both very comfortable. "Come here handsome and get close to me." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as that's what he wants to do.

Especially due to the fact that she was topless and looking incredibly sexy right now. "I have to admit, this is a real turn on; you being topless in bed." Gabby agreed with her man as he told her that, well aware that was the case; after which, she proceeded to cuddle up to him and just smirked as she slipped her legs in between his. I mean, what's better than the feeling of his wife cuddling up to him in the sexiest way possible? In Matt and Gabby's opinion, nothing is better as it makes them both feel incredibly loved and comfortable. But what makes Gabby even more comfortable, is when Matt puts his strong hand on her hip and turned his head to look down into her eyes; because now that's something that she always enjoys, and it's why she just put her hand on his face.

To keep his eyes on her, as they held each other close in bed. "Comfortable?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether he was comfortable, as he most certainly is comfortable; and he'll always be comfortable if he's in bed with his wife, because he loves her more than anything in the entire world. "Believe me when I say this, you'll never have to ask me whether I'm comfortable when we're in bed with each other like this." Gabby agreed with Matt, and smiled as she kissed Matt once more. After all, this is perfect; and it makes her so happy to have the man she loves holding her in his arms while they relax in bed. But unfortunately, it wasn't going to last for long...and that's due to a certain baby boy who was currently crying after his brother hit him in the play pen.

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