Happy Birthday Baby: Braless Birthday Cuddles

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He came out of the washroom faster than she had expected him to come out, as she was hoping to get her shirt on before he came out; that way he wouldn't have a chance to see it and get some ideas in his heads. Ideas like the one he just mentioned to her. "You know, you don't have to wear a shirt, if you don't want to." Looking up at the man of her dreams as he tugged his shirt down over his muscular body, Gabby shook her head as that most certainly was not going to happen. She was going to be wearing a shirt, and that was not going to change. "I love you, but that isn't changing baby." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Hey, I tried. And at least you aren't wearing a bra." Turning around to face her husband, Gabby smirked as that was something that was always going to happen. "Oh, you had nothing to worry about when it came to that. I was always going to be braless." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, while making his way over to her at her dresser this afternoon. After which, he put his hands on her hips.

Moving her hands to Matt's face as soon as he was standing in front of her, Gabby smiled as she stroked his cheeks and then stepped close to him. Doing the same, Matt wrapped his arms around Gabby while bending down and kissing the woman he loves softly. The woman of his dreams, whom he craves all the time. "God, you are so damn sexy." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that. "How did I know that you were going to say that?" Matt smirked as he leaned in, kissing his gorgeous wife once more. "Because you love me more than anything, and you're happy right now." Gabby agreed with Matt, as she most certainly is happy right now. She's always happy when she gets a chance to be alone with the man she loves. "I mean, why wouldn't I be happy? I have a chance to be alone with the man I love." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while wrapping his arms around her waist; meanwhile, Gabby put her hands on his arms and just smiled as she stroked them with her thumbs while staring up into his eyes this afternoon.

"You look handsome, for us just cuddling up in bed with each other."

Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that. "And you look very beautiful, as you always do." Moving her hands to Matt's chest, Gabby smiled as she leaned in and kissed the man she loves softly. The man of her dreams, her husband Matthew Casey. "God, you are such a tease Matthew Casey!" Matt agreed with Gabby as he ran his hands up her back, while also continuing to take things nice and slow with her. "Want to take this to bed? We can hold each other and just take it easy with each other right now? Maybe we can talk about things that I want to talk about?" Gabby agreed with Matt, well aware that he wanted to talk about that. "I mean, if you're okay with us talking about it." Gabby agreed with Matt, as she was more than okay with talking about it. "Hey, it's your birthday at the end of the day." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, well aware that was the case. "And so far, I have loved every minute of it." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, before her husband picked her up in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

Cuddling up to Matt as he did that, Gabby smiled as this was perfect; both the fact that they were alone with each other, and the fact that she was currently being carried to bed by her husband...as he ran his hands up and down her back and left soft kisses on her neck. "Oh, now if that isn't a sweet tease that I'm most certainly enjoying right now my dear husband." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, well aware that was the case. Well aware that what mattered to her, was that they were just holding each other close in the first place; and that this is what they are going to be doing for a while. "I'm glad that this is what we're doing now on my birthday. As much as I love the kids, I love being with you on my birthday right now." Gabby agreed with Matt, well aware that was the case as she felt him carry her towards the bed where they were going to hold each other close today; where they would relax with each other as they cuddled in bed while sharing some kisses...as she knew that Matt wasn't going to resist giving her those.


They decided that they were still going to lay down close to one another in bed, as that was something that they always loved doing with each other; laying down right against one another under the covers. Plus, it was a way to keep each other warm in bed; not that they were going to be cold, as they were wearing their sweats. More specifically, they were both wearing some of Matt's sweats; and that was something that he really liked the sight of. There was just something about the sight of his wife wearing his sweats that really turned him on. And it will always turn him on, due to the fact that it was something that he loved to see; especially since he knew that it also made her feel comfortable and even safer in his arms (if that was even possible). And there was a reason for that, which was that (by wearing his clothes) he was everywhere with her in a way; so, Matt most certainly was not going to say no to her wearing his clothes if it made her feel safe, as that was everything that Matt wanted in life. For his wife to feel safe, even when he's not around.

Not that he's going anywhere anytime soon, as he has nowhere to go during the pandemic; nowhere that they can't go together. Especially not when he wants to keep his family safe. And for them to stay safe, then he has to stay exactly where he is right now. "Now, this is exactly what I want to be doing right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; that this was precisely what he felt like doing right now. Just laying down in bed together, as they held each other close and relaxed. "I can only assume that you're very comfortable right now?" Matt agreed with Gabby as he ran his hand up and down her back, as that was exactly how he felt with his wife in his arms. He felt comfortable as they held each other here in bed. "I mean, you are pretty cozy here; and that's all that matters to me at the end of the day. That we're both comfortable, here in our bed." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, while also turning her head to look up at the man of her dreams. The man she loves more than anything in the world.

After which, she watched as he bent down and kissed her softly, while also placing his hand on her back and stroking it with his thumb. "I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that she loves him as he loves her too. "I love you too. Now, I think we had a topic that we were going to talk about as we laid down here in bed with each other." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as they most certainly did have something that they wanted to talk about as they laid down here in bed with each other. Something related to what they want to do, when it comes to the new Casey Headquarters. Or is it just an office? That was something that they still had to nail down. "So, listen, I think first we need to figure this out. Are we considering this our new headquarters?" Matt agreed with Gabby, as he was going to be considering this the new headquarters. "It's the office that's closest to our home, so yes it will be our headquarters." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, before looking up at him. "Are we going to just plan for a bit?"

Matt bit his lip, as he wasn't sure. "I know, it's a lot of money. Do you think that we're going too far, too fast?" Gabby sighed. "That's what I'm worried about. That we're going to go too fast, and just rush it." Matt shook his head. "I think I want to take time and think about it rather than go too fast. I think we made that mistake last time." Gabby was confused as she heard her husband say that. "What are you talking about?" Matt sighed. "If I could go back, I think I would've gotten land and done a wider building; rather than have a taller building." Gabby agreed with Matt. "Then we would only have maybe 3-4 floors. Maybe now we would have 5 floors at the most." Gabby agreed with Matt. "One floor per division." Matt agreed. "Can I list the floors idea then?" Gabby agreed.

"Main floor: Entrance, Executive Offices, and Boardrooms. Second Floor: Casey Apparel design space, and manufacturing. Third Floor: Casey Fire and Casey Training, Fourth Floor: Casey Training and Casey Police, Fifth Floor: Casey Health. Sixth Floor: Extra Offices."

Gabby agreed with Matt. "Yeah, I think that six floors is enough for what we need." Matt nodded. "But then we make it like a campus in the future, adding on as we need it. I mean, with the exception of Casey Training. That would be done elsewhere on the plot of land in it's own facility." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as that really did make sense. "I'm glad that you gave Casey Apparel it's own floor." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, before moving to grab her hand and stroking it with his thumb. "That was always going to be the plan. I was always going to give each division their own floor. Anyways, I want to make it very wide rather than tall." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, before leaning in and kissing him softly as she put her hand on his face; meanwhile, Matt wrapped his arm around her back as he took things nice and slow with the woman he's crazy for at the moment. "I am so glad that we decided to do this right now." Gabby agreed with her husband, feeling the same way about that.

"Honestly, I had no doubt in my mind that we would end up here at some point today."

Matt snickered, well aware that was the case. "I think that's all we needed to know when it came to what we wanted here." Gabby agreed with her husband, before smiling as she leaned up and proceeded to kiss him softly; just taking things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. And that man would be her husband, and the father of her children, Mr. Matthew Casey. "God, I love you so much." Matt agreed with Gabby, as he loves her too. "I love you too, and I am just so happy that we're on the same page when it comes to the office." Gabby agreed with her husband, before taking a breath. "Well, there might be one thing that we might now be on the same page on." Matt was confused as he heard Gabby say that. "What are you talking about?" Gabby sighed as she looked up at Matt. "Well, it's the timeline for it." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that. "What timeline are you thinking for it?" Gabby bit her lip, before going ahead with telling Matt when she thinks they should do the new office.

"I think we should wait at least two years before we do that." 

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