What Was Your PTSD About Baby?

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Hi Readers: And welcome to your daily update of the Caseys. But first, I want to apologize again for having decided to downgrade this story from a multiple update per day story, to a once daily update; but I decided to start a new story, which I wanted to concentrate on. But now, I am back to give you your nightly dose of The Caseys. Thanks again for reading this story, and I hope that you're also reading my other story "Lost and Found", my first non-Dawsey story. But if you aren't maybe check it out for me? But still, enjoy.

"What was your PTSD about Matt?"

That was the question that was now at hand in between both himself and Gabby, and it's a good question; because she has every right to know just what his PTSD is about, because she wants to help him. She wants to make sure that he takes it easy, and that he just relaxes; and that most certainly is the case when it comes to him having PTSD, which is exactly what Matt just had...about the girls' premature birth. And that was something that Matt still can't believe he can already say that he already has PTSD about the girls' premature birth. And all he can say, is that this PTSD seems to be just as bad as the boys' premature birth; and that's because of what they lost on the day that Gabby gave birth, which would be their triplet son...whom they would've loved just as much as the twins.

But right now, Matt doesn't need to think about that; when he instead needs to answer Gabby's question, because he can see that she's worried. She's worried about how he is, and how his PTSD is; and what his PTSD is about, which is his daughter's birth this time...and that's something that is so tragic about this situation. Rather than having his children's births as the memories of those days, he has memories about what happened and everything. But he just doesn't know what Gabby remembers, which is something that Matt's worried about; whether Gabby remembers everything, or whether she just remembers the outcome. And that's where Matt's going to start this conversation, where Gabby is...and just what she remembers about the day that she gave birth.

"Okay, I need to ask you a question before I give you an answer."

Looking up at the man she loves, Gabby was confused about why he said that; why he had to ask her a question, prior to him giving her an answer to her question. "Okay, I am not sure why you need to ask me a question first. Can you tell me that too?" Matt sighed as he moved his hand to Gabby's back and stroked it with his thumb as he turned his head; before pressing his lips to her forehead, as they held each other close in bed. "I want to know what you remember from that day, and what I can talk about; because I don't want to get you all too worried and everything." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, at that makes sense. "Well, that makes sense. And that's very sweet of you to do." Looking down at his wife as she said that, Matt smiled as he bent down and kissed her softly.

After which, Matt proceeded to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; at the same time, Matt ran his hand up and down her back. "So, what do you remember?" Gabby sighed. "I know that me and Stella had a fight, and I was rushed to the hospital; but from leaving the office, to us getting here is all a blur...and us giving birth to the girls is a blur. I mean, I can remember a bit of it; because I will always remember seeing the girls for the first time, but I don't remember anything other than seeing the girls. It's just...." Seeing Gabby getting a bit too overwhelmed, Matt proceeded tow rap his arm around her back and kissed her forehead softly. "I hate to even ask you this but..." Gabby agreed, well aware of what Matt was asking.

"No, I did not see Gabriel."

Turning his head, Matt looked down at his wife; after all, he has no idea just who Gabriel is. "Okay, are you okay baby? Because I have no idea who Gabriel is, and I hope that you don't think that..." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she ran her hand down Matt's muscular chest. "Baby, I know that we only had the girls. I promise." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before bending down and kissing the woman he loves softly. "But I gave our late son a name, Gabriel...after the angel." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that. "I love that name." Gabby then took a breath as she laid her head down on Matt's chest. "But at the same time, I made a decision that you might not truly enjoy." Matt was confused as he heard Gabby say that, before looking down at her.

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