Rough Night (and Sex)

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the last chapter? Well, I know that you guys are all happy to be back in Chicago. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop the business parts every once and a while, especially not when there are times where I can do it like this one. So, here we go with our first business chapter in a while; I hope you guys like it and let me know what you think.

March 19th, 2020 - Casey Home, 3rd Floor: Matt's Office – He was currently in his office, being extra quiet as to not wake up his sleeping mother who was right down the hall from his office. And while he could've easily stayed in bed with his wife this morning, it seemed that Matt just wasn't going to sleep; and that was due to the fact that he had a lot of his mind, still. It didn't matter that they were unpacked now, or that they were in the safety of their Chicago home. He was still stressed and thinking about everything that's gone on; and the worst part, he was also thinking about all the regrets that he has from a hard time in his and Gabby's life. And that was all thanks to Sylvie. Seeing Sylvie yesterday just brought back all those feelings of regrets back, about the time where he should've stood up for his wife; heck, that he should've ran after her when she went to Puerto Rico. But now, they were past that.

Well, the couple are at least; as it's now clear to him, that he isn't past it. Past what that woman did to him, and just what effect she still has on his life; and that most certainly was something that he hated, that a woman like her could have such an affect on his life right now. I mean, she shouldn't be affecting his marriage whatsoever; as she isn't the woman that he's married to, nor is she the woman he loves. Rather, she's the woman he despises and wants nothing to do with at the moment. Instead, he wants to concentrate on the woman he loves, as well as their children; but god, he still can't stop thinking about what she told him. How he can give up being a father to be with her, and that was something that will always bother. Oh yeah, he's just going to replace the kids that he has with Gabby. The kids that are his life. And that was why he was awake and in his office, as he couldn't stand to be in bed.

To be in bed with his wife, the woman he loves; while he was thinking of that other woman, the woman who ruined his vow renewal...and is the woman that was on his mind, when he should've instead been thinking (and dreaming) about his wife. But no, she ended up in his mind last night, and that was hard. And that was something that his wife could see as she stood at the door to his office, the wife being able to see that he was tying to stay busy right now; rather than be in bed with her, he was trying to distract himself. "Rough night?" Turning his head as he heard his wife in his office, Matt sighed as he knew that he couldn't lie to Gabby when it came to whether he had a rough night or not. "I don't want to talk about it, when it deals with her." Gabby was shocked as she heard her husband say that, before getting a bit mad. "Oh my god, did you..." Matt just looked at his wife. "Okay, gross!" Gabby agreed.

And that was when she knew that he didn't have a wet dream about Sylvie, but something else; and that was why Matt just ended his hand, as he wanted Gabby in his lap as they spoke for a minute. "Come here you," Gabby agreed with her loving husband as he said that, before making her way over to him as he asked; after all, she wants to cuddle up to him too. She wants to sit in his lap, on their first morning here in their new home. "We're going to talk about it for a minute." Matt agreed. "Yes, just after you give me something." Gabby was a bit confused as she walked up to Matt, before sitting down in his lap and cuddling up to him; wrapping her arm around his neck, Gabby smirked as she felt him put his hand on her leg. After which, she put her hand on his neck and proceeded to kiss him softly. Because that was what he wanted right now, to share a sweet kiss with the woman he loves. The only woman he loves.

And now this, this was really changing his mind, which is exactly what Matt needs at the moment, as Gabby is the only woman that he wants to be thinking about when he's in bed. "Okay, spill." Matt sighed. "I was thinking about what she told me, about why she was in Hawaii." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, while also running her finger down his cheekbone; meanwhile, Matt left a soft kiss on her neck. "How she wanted to try and steal me from you, and how she thought that she could do it; and I can't help but wonder if that's the message that we still portray to people sometimes, that our marriage isn't in the best place." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that may be something that he thinks about. But at the same time, they also both know that isn't the truth. "I think we both know though, that we're in the best place we've ever been in a while." Matt agreed.

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