Home Sweet Home, Part Two

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Matteo and Noah's Nursery – Even though she knew that their boys were safe, Gabby still had to do something before she could find the heart to make her way to her and Matt's room; and that would be to take a moment and check on the boys. So that's exactly what she decided to do, as she parked the stroller right near their door and then went to take off her mask. Because at the end of the day, she's home with her boys now; and she doesn't want to scare them, which she would probably have done had she kept her mask on. Plus, she already washed her hands; so, she has no reason not to be in here, taking a quick glimpse at her sons. And that's exactly what she's in the midst of doing, as she made her way over to Matteo's crib and looked down at her beautiful son.

"Hi Matteo."

Adjusting the blanket that her son had on top of him, Gabby smiled as she was incredibly happy over the fact that she was finally home with her sons. This was exactly what she wanted, and what she needed right now; she needs to be home with her husband, and all four of her children. And even better, she's going to be here with them for a while; as she and Matt have already agreed that they're going to be working from home, even if they work. Because as much as Matt will probably want her to just take it easy, Gabby knows that she won't be able to; because she needs to work and get Casey Apparel back on track. Especially since she still isn't in the best place with Stella. But that's a conversation for another day, as she instead needs to talk to her husband this morning.

"Let me guess, you couldn't help yourself?"

Turning to face Matt, Gabby agreed with him. "Sorry I took off my mask, but..." Matt shook his head, before going to do the same thing; after all, he knows why she took off her mask. And it was so that she didn't scare the boys. "Baby, I already know why you did it; you didn't want to scare the boys." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before extending her hand and inviting the man she loves to be next to her with the boys; and without a doubt, that's exactly what Matt wanted to do as he walked into Matteo and Noah's nursery. But rather than go over to Gabby, he made his way over to Noah and looked down at his little guy. After all, he was the one he was really worried about. "You have no idea how nice it is to see him here, in his crib rather than in the hospital." Gabby agreed.

After all, that was what she wanted as well; she wants Noah to be here, in his own crib rather than be at the hospital. Especially right now, during this health crisis. And that was why she decided to make her way over to Matt, and wrap her arms around him, which then prompted him to do the same thing, as he wrapped his arm around her back and cuddled up to her while turning his head. Pressing his lips to her forehead properly this time, Matt smiled as he whispered to her. "Finally, we're home; where we belong." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as that most certainly was exactly where they were at the moment. They were home, with all four of their children. "Home with all four of our children." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that.

"And alone, with no nurses."

Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, well aware of what he was thinking about; and that was that he wanted to be intimate with her, which she wants to do as well. She wants to be intimate with the man she loves and have him hold her close. "Well, we do have the all clear from our doctors." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, while grabbing her hand and holding her close; after which, he turned to look at the door to see his mom there. "How did I know that you guys would be in here with the boys, instead of in your room?" Matt smiled as he looked at his mom. "I mean, we had to say hi to them. By the way, how much of..." Nancy snickered. "Oh, I heard a bunch of it. But it's okay, just go ahead and get some rest. We have the boys for a while, we promise." Matt took a breath.

After which, he turned to look at Gabby. "Gabby, how about you take the girls to our room? I need to update my mom on the situation." Looking up at her husband, Gabby already knew that he was talking about. "You mean when it comes to work." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before moving his hand to the side of her head. "Sorry again." Gabby shook her head. "Just talk to her quick, then we can talk more in bed. Like we said, we're just resting with the girls in bed." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before bending down and kissing her softly. "Or something else." Gabby smirked, and agreed with the man she loves. After which, she turned around and walked out of the nursery so that she could make her way to her and Matt's bedroom.


Closing the door to Matteo and Noah's nursery after finishing in there, Matt smiled as he stood close to his mother and looked at her; after all, he had to update her on just what was going on. But first, he decided to hug her. "God, it's nice to see you in person again." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, as she felt the same way. "I can most certainly agree. Now, what's this about you working?" Matt sighed as he looked at his mom, before leaning against the wall. "It's the pandemic mom." Nancy agreed with her son, just standing there. "Mom, it's a hard time for the company. Everybody's working from home, and I can't just let an acting CEO work on the company. I need to be there, especially when it's my own money." Nancy agreed with her son, definitely understanding that.

"I most certainly can understand that, but just take a few days and relax maybe first."

Matt thought about it and agreed with his mother. "I think that's what I'm going to do anyways. Plus, I have to do some things before I can really get back to work." Nancy was confused as she heard her son say that, until he explained. "I need to get caught up, and just see what's changed since I took leave; I need to have a bunch of meetings online, before I can really get back to work. And I am also going to concentrate on my health, since this is going to be hard on my health." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Just know that we're here to help you Matt, whatever you need." Taking a breath, Matt turned his head to look at the boys' nursery. "Maybe you can take care of the boys for a bit? I need to get back into the routine, and just..." Matt's mom agreed.

"Matt, take a breath and relax. This is a learning curve for everybody, and we're going to deal with it."

Matt agreed with his mom as she said that, glad that she was already on board as to what he needs to do; especially when it comes to the boys and the company. He then proceeded to make his way over to her and hugged her. "You're the best." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, smiling as she proceeded to rub his back and just held him close. "We're here for you Matt, never forget that." Matt agreed with her as she said that, before going ahead with reminding his mother of the same thing. "And the same goes for you mom, because you can always talk to me in you need to talk." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, before smiling as she watched him walk away so that he can do be with his wife and daughters. "And congratulations again." Matt smiling and agreed.


Primary Suite, Casey Home – The cribs looked absolutely adorable as she stood next to them this morning, the mother wanting to just take a minute to appreciate how beautiful they are ahead of putting Bella and Sofia into them. But at the same time, she also didn't know whether Matt was even going to let her; so, she knew that she needed to do it fast before Matt said no, and that was what she was in the midst of doing right now as she walked up to Bella. "Hi, my little princess, are you ready to lay down in your crib?" Smiling as he heard Gabby say that while he walked into their room, Matt smiled at his beautiful wife. "I love the way you talk to her." Bringing Bella close to her chest, Gabby smiled as she turned to face her husband. "You are not stopping me from doing this." Matt nodded.

"I wouldn't dream of it, because I know that you've been waiting to do this for a while."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling at him. "And I've also dreamed of being with the boys again for a while, and I am so glad that we're finally back with our entire family." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, as he feels the same way; he loves that they're home, and ready to just take it easy for the rest of their lives. "I can most certainly agree. But I also know that I am not ready to just stand all the time..." Matt then proceeded to yawn. "It's still early, and I want to get back in our bed; then I can hold you there for the first time in months." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "However, we aren't having sex." Matt agreed. "Oh no, I just need to relax and take it easy. We're both tired, and ready to hold each other in our nice bed." Gabby agreed, and just smiled.

After which, she watched as her dreamy husband made his way over to their daughters so that they could put them in their cribs. "So, do we need to feed them? Or can we just put them in their cribs? Because I would like to just do that so that I can get ready to go back to sleep." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, unsure of what he means. "What are you talking about?" Matt sighed. "I have to take a shower, because I need to clean off and just get ready." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Then let's get the girls in their cribs, and you can do just that." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, while also being unaware of the fact that Gabby planned on joining him in the shower this morning.

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