COVID Day 2 with the Casey Family, Part 2

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"God, it seems like drama just keeps following your family." -Heather Darden

That was how the conversation with Heather started, as Matt spoke to her her on speakerphone while in the bathroom; while at the same time, he got changed into his boxers. After all, he did just finish letting his swim trunks fall onto the ground. "Tell me about it, and I absolutely hate it as it's related to my wife and family again." Heather agreed with the husband and father as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know, and I was actually just trying to fix this for you with the hopes of you not having to deal with this at all." Matt sighed. "Actually, I wasn't the one that saw it in the first place." Heather got worried as she heard Matt say that, before realizing what that meant. "Oh no, does that mean..." Matt agreed with Heather, as that was exactly what he meant to say.

"Yep. Gabby was the one that saw the article before me."

Heather sighed as she heard Matt say that, while also feeling her heart break for Gabby; because the last thing that she wanted her friend to have to deal with, was this headline. "Just thought I'd let you know that I just texted Mr. Solano,, and he's aware that I am taking care of this. Or are you back now, I forget." Matt sighed. "I'm back, so you can talk to me. But just try and make sure that we take it slow, as I need to be caught up to speed; I actually need to read something today." Grabbing his phone, Matt took a breath as he walked out of the bathroom before making his way over to the cribs. After which, he proceeded to look down at the girls and smiled due to the fact that they are the most adorable baby girls in the entire world; and he is so proud to be their father.

"Yeah, you girls just sleep for mommy for a bit; that way, she can relax and take it easy."

Heather snickered as she heard Matt say that, before taking a breath as she started to think about Andy, which is something that Matt most certainly knew, as he made his way over to his side of the bed and grabbed his AirPods. "Heather, give me a second okay? I am going to move to my AirPods and open my iPad so that I can read while we talk." Heather agreed with her boss as he said that, more than okay with him doing that. "Of course, I understand that you need to multi-task." Matt laughed, before going to make a joke to lighten up the mood between the both of them. "Well, I am an expert on that. I mean, a business, my PTSD, and four kids? Add in a bunch of children for senior executives, as well as my favorite nephews. How are the boys anyways?" Heather sighed.

After all, Ben and Griffin are already sick of being indoors. "I am ready to ship one of them off to boarding school, so that I just have to deal with one of them at a time." Matt laughed as he heard Heather say that, before shaking his head as he knew that wasn't really the case. "Heather, we both know that you aren't going to do that; especially not when you can just send them off to Severide." Heather laughed as she heard Matt say that. "Yeah, I think you mean your place." Matt shook his head, as he most certainly was not doing that. "No way! I have PTSD, a dog, four kids, my sister lives next door; and both my mother, as well as my mother-in-law live with me." That's when Matt heard Camila at the door. And based on what she said, he knew that he was in trouble after what he said.

"Are you really complaining? When I make you amazing breakfasts?"

He just hopes that what he says can fix it. "Camila, I was talking to my friend after she told me that her sons Ben and Griffin are driving her crazy. She said that if it happens too much, she was going to send one to me; I wasn't complaining, I was just explaining to her why it wasn't going to happy. I promise Camila, that I love all the help that you give to me and Gabby. Especially from when we were in the hospital, because you were such a big help then." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that. "Ok. That makes sense now. But do you want me to make breakfast?" Rather than have Matt answer, Gabby did it for him. "Yes please mom and check on the boys!" Camila agreed, before turning to look at Matt. "See you in a bit." Matt agreed with Camila as she walked away,, before sighing.

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