Happy Birthday Baby: Post-Nap Snuggles and Shower

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Hi Readers: Ahead of schedule today it seems. Yesterday, I was only able to give you two updates to this story; but now, I am already on my send with plenty of time to go. Heck, maybe I may even get a third update out to you guys today. But that's something that we still need to figure out, as I am not sure how long my chapters are going to be. After all, they are getting quite long now. And that's where you guys come in. What are your thoughts on the long chapters? You guys okay with them, or are you against them? Would you rather have more content in the chapters, or more chapters overall? I would love it if you let me know. But for now, I am just going to stick with what I know best. And that would be to write some long chapters for you guys. So, here we go with more of The Caseys.

They ended up sleeping for quite a while this afternoon. Almost two hours if they were being completely honest. So much so, that Matt just got an alert on his phone that it was currently time for the kids' mid-afternoon naps; and that was due to the fact that it was already four in the afternoon. And that was actually the reason why he was awake right now, as he wouldn't be awake if that stupid alarm that he forgot to shut off hadn't gone off. But now, he was awake, and he truly doubted that he was going to fall back asleep anytime soon. So, he just decided to lie here and take it easy as he looked around for Gabby; after all, she was no longer sleeping on his chest. But instead, she was sleeping next to him in their bed, which truly was the most adorable thing in the entire world. However, that didn't mean that it was the most comfortable thing in the entire world. As much as Matt loves his wife, he would rather she sleep on his chest; rather than have her sleep next to him in their comfortable bed, because it truly is a very comfortable bed.

Yet at the same time, he also knew that Gabby was much more comfortable somewhere else, which would be on his chest, where she always falls asleep at night. So, he thought about rolling over and trying to get her back onto his chest (where she would continue to sleep); however, that was easier said than done due to the fact that his wife truly is a heavy sleeper. And that was both a blessing and a curse, because she could easily sleep through the hardest of thunderstorms; but it also meant that there were times where she didn't hear everything...like when he has PTSD. But luckily for him, he's been okay for quite some time; and he really appreciates that, as the last thing he wants is to have PTSD. But there was also another reason for that, and it was due to the fact that he knew that this is what Gabby needed at the moment; she needed to take a nap as she seems to sleep better during the day, than she does at night when she's supposed to get the best sleep. But that's okay, as he'd rather let her get the sleep that she needs right now.

It just means that she's going to be cuddling up to him in a different way when she wakes up, which would be with the two of them facing each other as he has his hands on her back; and that's exactly how Matt prepared to hold his beautiful wife as he rolled over onto his side. He prepared to hold her close to his chest, with his arm wrapped around her back; as well, he will place his hand on the back of her head just like she wants him to. Because at the end of the day, there's just something about him having his arms wrapped around her that makes her feel so happy; even when she doesn't even know that he has his arms around her. Though let's be honest, Gabby always knows that Matt has his arms around her when she's sleeping, because that's what Matt loves to do more than anything in the entire world. He likes to hold his wife close to him, as they sleep in each other's arms; even when he's awake and she's the one that's asleep. And that's due to the fact that Gabby likes to wake up facing her husband, as it makes it easier to kiss him right away.

So, that's exactly where Matt made sure that he was right now; laying down close to Gabby, as they cuddled up to each other in bed. And let's just say that it's perfect, but not as perfect as it could be; because as he moved to get comfortable here, he ended up waking the love of his life up. Something that he only realized when she placed her hands on his face, which could only happen if she was awake. "Oh darn, I woke you up." Gabby agreed with Matt as she slipped close to him, while also feeling him wrap his arms around her back some more. "That's okay baby, and I mean it when I say that; as I would rather be in your arms right now than not." Matt agreed with Gabby as he wrapped his arm around her more and put his hand on the back of her head, while also leaning in and kissing the woman he loves softly; and damn does he love his beautiful wife more than anything in the entire world. Just the way they share a sweet kiss with each other makes him happy, simply due to the fact that it allows the two of them to be sexy with each other.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now