The Start of COVID with the Miller Family

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Hi Readers: What did you think of the most recent chapter with the Reese Family? Hope you guys liked it. But the truth is, I am not going to cover the Reese Family. Rather, the whole point of the last chapter was to just give you a quick update on the family. The real couple that I plan on covering are Mr. Ryan & Sarah Miller. Hope you like another staff chapter that will bring a bunch of news.

Miller Home – If there was one thing that Ryan loved, it was that he and Sarah finally have their own place; a place that was away from anybody else, an actual home. And honestly, they got it right on time; after all, they are now in a health pandemic. And the last place that Ryan and Sarah want to be, is in an apartment complex when they have plans for this year. You see, Ryan and Sarah made a promise to each other on New Year's Eve, which was that this year was going to be the year they have a baby, and Ryan has loved trying. Heck, even when they aren't trying it's fun, because he loves getting intimate with his gorgeous wife. And that's something that he's about to do again this afternoon, to the sight of Sarah standing in the kitchen in her lingerie; meanwhile, he's in his boxers.

Boxers that he knows Sarah enjoys, because they are the perfect balance of sexy and calm; especially since they need to relax right now, due to the fact that Sarah hasn't been feeling the best

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Boxers that he knows Sarah enjoys, because they are the perfect balance of sexy and calm; especially since they need to relax right now, due to the fact that Sarah hasn't been feeling the best. And that was actually why Ryan was both surprised and then worried when he walked into their room upstairs to see that she wasn't in bed, and now when he sees his wife standing in the kitchen in some lingerie. Not that he's complaining, as he isn't complaining over the fact that his wife is currently in her lingerie for him; if anything, he loves it more than anything. And it makes him so proud to call her his wife, due to the fact that she's an incredibly sexy woman. And he was going to tell her that right now, as he walked up behind her and moved his hands to her hip, tugging her back against his chest at the same time.

"If you weren't feeling like crap, then I swear to god; we'd be upstairs, in bed with each other right now."

Laughing as she heard Ryan say that, Sarah agreed with him while moving her hand on top of his. "Well, luckily for you; I'm feeling a lot better after that nice nap." Ryan agreed with Sarah as she said that, before stepping close to her and wrapping his strong arms around her; at the same time, Sarah put her hands on his arms and smiled. "Luke and Sarah say hi." Sarah agreed with Ryan as he said that, before taking a breath as she proceeded to turn around in his arms; and that action right there was something that concerned him and was the exact reason why he just stepped close to her. "Hey, you okay Sarah? Wait, does your family have COVID? Is that why you've been so tense lately?" Shaking her head, Sarah got close to Ryan and then wrapped her arms around his head this afternoon.

At the same time, Ryan put his hands on her sides and smiled as he bent down and kissed her softly. And let's just say that Sarah most definitely loved the feeling of her husband's soft lips on hers, as it was exactly what she wanted; but what she didn't know, is that she was going to want what Ryan just did next even more. But what did he just do? Well, he just picked her up in his arms and set her down on the counter. After which, he stepped close to the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world and leaned in to kiss her softly; and boy did Sarah love the feeling of her husband's lips on hers, as they help with her hormones. But what she loved even more was when he moved his lips to her neck, and started to suck on her neck, which is exactly what Ryan just did for her.

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