Hospital Day 3: Breakfast

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Before we begin, I want to address the fact that there was previously another story that I had posted on here with Matt being married to somebody other than Gabby after Hallie died. However, I have decided that I don't want to write that story after all. And that's due to the fact that even when I am writing that story, I am still thinking about this story. And since that's the case, it didn't feel right to keep writing the other story; when my mind is elsewhere, and in this story. So, I am just going to do what I do best and concentrate on this story. Hope you guys continue to enjoy the story and understand.

She was startled when she heard someone other than her sister-in-law answer her question, about what she meant when she said that they were just going to do Christmas with the seven of them; the seven of them being the part that confused her, as there are more than seven people in their family. In fact, there are fourteen people in the family; because now that they all basically live together, both the Casey and Dawson families basically consider themselves related. And even though it's only thanks to Matt and Gabby being married, they still treat each other like siblings; well, with the exception of her and Antonio. She doesn't get why, but she can't help but wonder if there's something there in between the both of them; something that she may want to pursue, if it wasn't for Matt. She just doesn't think that she can do it right now, not when things are just so stressful right now; especially after what happened forty-eight hours earlier at the office, which then led to Gabby having to give birth prematurely once more. But now, it seemed like she was recuperating and starting to feel a bit better; but Christie can't say the same about her brother.

Her brother? Well, he looked worried as he finished setting breakfast down in the little kitchen that he and Gabby have here in their room. "I have to say, this place is quite adorable Matt." Matt snickered as he heard his sister say that, before proceeding to make his way into the bedroom so that he could come see his sister. "Glad to see that you decided to come visit." Christie agreed with her brother as he said that, before getting up so that she can walk over to him; after which, she hugged him tight before whispering into his ear. "You doing okay? Gabby said you are, but are you really?" Leaning back, Matt smiled as he looked at his sister. "Christie, I'm fine. I promise. I'm doing great, and I am very happy with the life that I have right now." Christie agreed with her brother as he said that, clearly able to see that was the case. "Okay, just worried for my brother." Matt agreed with Christie as she said that, well aware that was the case; after which, he proceeded to make his way into the bedroom to check on Gabby...only to see Andy on the bed. "Andy, off the bed. Off the bed boy." Agreeing Andy, jumped off the bed so that he isn't in trouble with Matt.

However, Gabby was a bit confused when it came to why Matt didn't want him on the bed. "Hey, you okay? Why don't you want Andy on the bed?" Walking up to his beautiful wife, Matt smiled as he leaned over her and pout his hand on her neck; after which, he started to take things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams. "I want to make sure that you're safe and healthy, and that Andy doesn't jump on you." Moving her hand to Matt's cheek as he told her that, Gabby smiled because he truly is an amazing husband. How'd she got so lucky to have him as her husband? She'll never know. "God, I am not worthy of you." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that. "I never want to hear you say that again." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. After which, Matt turned to look at his sister. "So, are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to sit down and take it easy?" Christie laughed as she heard Matt say that. "I guess I can stay for a bit, while that handsome doctor over there finishes with the twins." That's when Matt realized that there's somebody else in the room, which would be Dr. Jeff Clarke. "Christie, he's married remember?"

Gabby then went to speak to her husband. "Matthew, you do not speak business with him; only speak with him about the girls, then come get breakfast with me." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, well aware that was what he needed to do right now; he needed to concentrate on his family, and that's all he's going to do. "I promise Gabby, that's all I'm doing. And I already called Antonio and checked on the boys, they're all good." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that's the case. "Thanks baby." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Now listen, either you can wait for me to eat....or you can start, but I'm going to check on the girls first." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "I'm going to start eating, so that it isn't cold." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Okay then, but I'll be right back; I'm going to check on the girls before I eat." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware of the fact that he was worried for his daughters. "Just remember to breathe baby, because everything's okay." Matt agreed with Gabby. But still, that didn't mean that he wasn't going to check on his girls, because that's exactly what he plans on doing right now.

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