Happy Birthday Baby: Post-Explosion Shower

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Hi Readers: My apologies for the long delay in getting a new chapter out to you guys, but I decided to take a break in between chapters to think about what I could include on the walk if I wanted to go for another chapter with it. And the truth is, I decided against covering the walk. So, I am instead just going to concentrate on what happens when they get back from the walk.

Want to know the best way to say happy birthday to your dad? Well, that would be to have a diaper explosion all over him while he's changing you shortly after getting back from a walk; changing you so that you can take a nap right after he gives you a bottle (while also eating lunch with your mother and brothers). But no, daddy's little princess Sofia had other plans; plans that now require him to take a shower, so that he can clean off the poop that came out of her little body. I mean, how does a little body like hers make that much poop? Well, at least there's one thing that he can be happy about; and that would be that his lunch didn't come rushing back up. No, the pizza that he had for lunch somehow managed to stay down; unlike Gabby, who decided to come upstairs and be with her husband. But not only was she going to come be with him in bed, but she was also going to come help him wash up, which is something that Matt will appreciate. He just didn't know that it was going to happen yet, as she wasn't in the shower with him yet.

Rather, she was taking her time walking into the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body; a towel that will only come off once she's completely ready to get in the shower with her man. She just hopes that she has enough time to get in with him, as she ended up taking much more time than she expected putting both of the twins down for a nap; and talking to her mom and asking her to take care of them when they wake up. And she right away agreed, due to the fact that she knew that her husband was going to be a bit agitated after what happened; and because she also knew that her daughter wanted to do something with her husband...she just didn't outright say that, due to the fact that it would be creepy. After all, she is her mother; and she would've been talking about her daughter's sex life with her husband. But at the end of the day, Camila knew that she needed to do what she needed to do; and right now, that was to take a shower with her husband before they relax in bed with each other for a while. Something Gabby liked.

She loved the idea of just spending some time with her man, as she gave him some of what he wants; her. He wants her to run her hands all over his body, as they take things nice and slow with each other, which is precisely what Gabby plans on doing with the man of her dreams today. She plans on taking things nice and slow with her husband, as they take it easy with each other in bed. But first, she needs to get in the shower with her husband, which was an action that surprised Matt, who turned to look at Gabby the moment he heard her open the door so that she could join him in the shower this afternoon. "Hey, what are you doing in here? I thought you would be with the kids?" Gabby shook her head, as she wasn't going to be with the kids for a while. "No, I'm not with the kids." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, as he could clearly see that was the case. "I can see that." Gabby nodded, while getting close.

She then proceeded to wrap her arms around his neck, while Matt moved his hands to her sides as he cuddled up to her and leaned in to kiss his gorgeous wife softly. "God, I am so lucky." Moving her hands to Matt's chest as she stepped close to him, Gabby smiled as she ran her hands down his chest and kissed him once more. "To have me in your life?" Matt nodded, as that most certainly was the thing that made him a lucky man; the fact that he was married to her. "Yes ma'am." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before kissing him softly once more. "Well listen, I have some changes to our schedule." Matt was a bit confused as he heard Gabby say that, before bringing her body against his chest; after which, he bent down and kissed her neck softly. "Oh, you do now?" Grabbing the back of Matt's head, Gabby moaned as she agreed with her husband. After which, she turned her head and kissed his neck softly. "Yes, I do. Because I spoke to my mom downstairs, and she said that she can watch the kids for us." Leaning back, Matt smirked at his wife.

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