Morning Intimacy, Part 2

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Walking out of the bathroom after putting his boxers on this morning, Matt smiled as he looked at the woman he loves as she sat in bed with one of the girls' cribs right next to her; and the truth was, that was the best sight in the entire world. The sight of his beautiful wife, and one of his daughters spending some time with each other. But unfortunately, Matt didn't know which one of his daughters she was spending time with. "Which one of the girls did you take this morning?" Looking up from her sketching pad, Gabby smiled as she looked at Matt. "I took Sofia." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, more than okay with her having Sofia as it just means that he gets his little Bella with him today. "So, we going to split up responsibilities with the girls?" Gabby took a breath.

"I'm thinking about it, because I'm still debating whether I should breastfeed or not."

Matt was a bit surprised as he heard Gabby say that, as he thought that she wasn't going to breastfeed the girls at all, which was something that he was completely supportive of, due to the fact that he knew that she was always tired at night. And it was also why he always kept one of the girls next to him in the cribs, just like he was going to do today as he pulled Bella's crib with him. "I thought we already decided that you weren't going to breastfeed, because it's hard on you?" Gabby took a breath as Matt asked her that. "It's just...can we talk about it before we turn the TV on?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him that, before setting his towel down on their bed; he then proceeded to set Bella's crib up next to their bed (just like it's supposed to be), so that he doesn't need to hold her.

After which, he turned his head to look at Gabby once more. "I hope you know that, at the end of the day; I'm going to love and support you with whatever decision you make." Gabby sighed as she heard Matt say that. "It's not a decision that I can make alone though Matt, because it's a decision that we need to make as husband and wife." Matt agreed with Gabby, while also seeing that she's quite stressed at the moment. "You have a lot on your mind right now, don't you?" Taking a breath, Gabby sighed as she did. "And I think it would be a huge help if I could take some time to talk it over with my husband." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before telling her that they will do just that. "Then that's exactly what we'll do, we'll talk it over together." Gabby agreed.


Climbing into bed with Gabby, Matt smiled as he looked at the woman he loves as she laid down in front of him; after all, she is extremely comfortable when she's all cuddled up to him like this. And at the same time, she's also very relaxed, which is exactly what Matt wants her to be right now, relaxed and taking it easy. "So, you want to talk about this now? Or do you want to wait?" Taking a breath, Gabby sighed as she thought about whether she wants to talk about it now or later. "I guess, I just want to figure it out." Matt agreed with Gabby as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest; after all, he understands her sense of urgency to figure this out...because he doesn't want her to have to worry about this for too long, not when she needs to take it easy.

And that's due to the fact that as much as she's going to tell him she's okay, he can see that his wife is still quite stressed, and just worried about everything. And that's why they need to talk to each other, and just take it easy. "You know that you can always talk to me Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. But that didn't mean that it was easy to talk to him. "That doesn't mean that it's easy to talk to you, because I don't want to be judged by anybody; especially you.''

Matt's POV:
As I heard Gabby say that she doesn't want to be judged by anybody, especially me; I couldn't help but feel a bit mad, due to the fact that she should know that I've never judged her when it came to parenting decisions and our children. I trust her explicitly with our children, and I am proud to leave them in her capable hands; so, for her to think that I'm going to judge her, well that's laughable simply due to the fact that I love her. I love her more than anything, and I am so glad that she's my wife. And I am going to tell her that. "Hey, do you really believe that I'm going to judge you for not wanting to breastfeed?" Looking up at me, Gabby took a breath; meanwhile, I decided to get even closer to Gabby. After all, she is topless, and I love this sight of her being topless in bed with me.

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