Happy Birthday Baby: Time Alone

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He decided to tell his mother-in-law why, why he and Gabby needed to spend a bit of time alone, which is something that they are going to do, after Camila agreed to let them do just that. To take some more time with each other, as they just relaxed and held each other in bed. And that's exactly what Matt and Gabby are going to do, especially after what Matt saw the moment he walked into his and Gabby's room; and that would be her wearing a nightgown, which the birthday boy most certainly does love the sight of. The sight of his wife wearing a nightie that he most certainly does like it. "God, you are so damn sexy." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that Matt always loves it when she's wearing a nightie; and now, he was getting ready to touch her. But first, he decided that he was going to take off his shirt. However, that wasn't something that Matt was going to do as that was her job.

It was her job to get him undressed, and she was going to do just that. "Ah, nice try baby. That's not your job." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while also making his way over to her, which then led to Gabby putting her hands on his chest as they cuddled up to each other. Meanwhile, Matt placed his hands on her neck and leaned in so that he could kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, Matt just smirked due to the fact that he was really happy right now. "I love you so much, and I'm happy that this is what we're doing. As much as we want the kids..." Grabbing Matt's shirt, Gabby tugged his lips against hers as a way to shut him up. "Can you please just shut up and do what I want you to do right now?" Matt agreed with Gabby, as he proceeded to take off his shirt for the woman he loves. After which, Gabby grabbed it and threw it away for him.

More specifically, she threw it onto the ground; as that was exactly where they both wanted it to be right now, on the ground. She then proceeded to run her hands down his chest and grabbed his belt, that way she could take off his pants. "You like this birthday boy?" Moving his hands to his beautiful wife's neck again, Matt smirked as he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. Wrapping her arms around his back, Gabby smiled as she took things nice and slow with the man she loves. "I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "I love you too." Gabby then proceeded to tug of his pants, which then led to Matt taking off his pants for the woman he loves; that way they could get undressed, as a way that they can get in bed with each other. But first, he bent down and proceeded to carry his clothes to his dressed. Meanwhile, Gabby was about to get in bed.

However, that was the last thing that he wanted her to do. "Don't you dare get in bed. I am going to help you in bed." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, just staying where she was standing at the moment; that way she could wait to get in bed with the man she loves. After which, he proceeded to make his way back over to his gorgeous wife. "I swear, you really are such a beautiful wife." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, loving the flirting that he was doing with her. "God, I love the flirting that you do with me. Now, are you going to come help me into bed?" Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, while making his way over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist; while at the same time, Gabby wrapped her arms around his back and leaned up to kiss him softly. "I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby, just taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything.

He then proceeded to pick her up in his arms, while wrapping her legs around his waist; wrapping his arm around her back afterwards, Matt smiled as he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. At the same time, Gabby put her hands on his chest and just took things nice and slow with the man of her dreams. The man she loves more than anything in the entire world, as well as the father of her beautiful children. "I love you so much." Matt agreed with Gabby as he went ahead and laid her down in bed, before he climbed into bed with her so that he can lean over her. And that's exactly what he did, he leaned over his wife as he closed the covers and put his hand on her side; meanwhile, Gabby put her hands on his toned chest as they took things nice and slow with each other right now. "God, I love you so much." Matt agreed with his wife, as he tugged the covers up more.

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