Happy Birthday Daddy, Part 1

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Hi Readers: I want to first apologize for the skip once more, but I truly was running out of ideas for what I could do when it comes to unpacking. So, I decided to skip to a day that I did have ideas for. And that would be Matt's birthday. Hope you guys like this new day.

March 24, 2020 – He found himself waking up confused, the father of four waking up to the feeling of the covers moving around on top of him; after all, he thought that he had the covers wrapped around him and Gabby pretty tight. After all, she was currently laying down in front of him...or at least she was, as he soon realized that he was alone in bed. Well, not entirely alone; as rather than have the love of his life in bed, he instead had one of the loves of his life in bed. And that would be Mr. Matteo Andrew Casey. Rolling over in bed, Matt smiled as he looked at his son as he sat there and played with some of his toys that were here on the bed; after which, he decided to sit up and stretch while going ahead with speaking to his son. "Hey, what are you doing in here mister?" Moving to lean over his son, Matt proceeded to kiss the top of Matt's head; after which, he smiled and went ahead and picked him up off the bed.

That way, he could set him down in his lap; but that wasn't what Matteo wanted unfortunately, as he instead wanted to play with his toys. So much so, that he ended up yelling a bit. That was, until he was under the covers with his daddy and sitting in his lap; with Matt's hand on his stomach, Matteo soon realized what his father was doing. And that was getting him on his lap so that they could cuddle up to each other. And that most certainly is exactly what Matteo wants to do, as he rolled over and cuddled up to his papa. Meanwhile, Matt wrapped his arm around his back and smiled as he looked down at his young son; the young son whom they just brought to the doctor lately to check on his motor skills, as he's been falling a bit behind. But it turned out he wasn't, and that they just weren't seeing it. And that made him feel sad, that he was missing his milestones, which was something he didn't like at all.

So, he made a promise that he was going to be more present in the kids lives; and that he was going to make sure that he spent time with them as much as he could. And right now, that was exactly what he was in the midst of doing now that he was awake and sitting in bed with Matteo. But still, he couldn't help but wonder just where the other love of his life is; his wife to be exact. But it wasn't long until he figured that out, as he just heard her walk into their room with Noah. "Ok. Now remember what I said Noah, daddy is still asleep, and you need to stay quiet." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that. "No, mommy needs to explain why she left bed without giving daddy his birthday morning kiss." Looking up to see Matt awake, Gabby smiled as she was happy that he was awake; so much so, that she made a beeline towards him so that she could give her husband something he wants when he wakes up.

And that would be a nice kiss, from her of course. I mean, yes he can get a kiss from his children; but he would much rather have a kiss from her. Because that's how he always loves to start his day, especially his birthday, with a morning kiss from the love of his life. "Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up, I hope Matteo didn't startle you." Matt shook his head as he watched Gabby make her way over to him with Noah, before seeing her lean over and kiss him softly; meanwhile, he put his hand on her neck and smiled as he took things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "Hi baby." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, smiling due to the fact that she was happy to see him as well. "How are you doing? Feeling good?" Matt sighed as Gabby asked him that question, well aware of what she was talking about; she was talking about the event that occurred last night.

The PTSD that he had to deal with, as he had a bad dream about one of the kids getting COVID; which then brought him back to when they were in the hospital and living in the warming beds (which they couldn't take them out of). "Yeah, sorry for waking you up." Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt say that, before smiling at him. "Here, how about you put Noah on the bed? I already fed the girls, and I fed both of the boys. You can just take it easy and wake up, as I cuddle up to you in bed." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before going to slip Matteo over a bit. "Hey bud, can you stay there? Daddy needs a bit of room here." Smiling as she heard Matt speak to Matteo that way, she just watched as he moved him over on the bed; after which, he turned to look at her as he reached up to get Noah from her. "Here, give me my little guy." Gabby agreed with Matt, doing just that for her birthday boy as she watched him get up (before giving him Noah so that he can set him down on their bed with his brother).

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