He's Gone, We're Alone

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They were now alone with each other, which is exactly what Jay and Alex both wanted right now. They wanted to be alone with the kids, and just holding each other close as they cuddled up to each other in bed; and now, they had their home alone once more. And that's what Jay and Alex really need right now, and it's exactly what they should've had in the first place; because they truly regret even having to go through this experience, as Alex feels like they shouldn't have invited him to come in the first place. And now, she felt like she needed to apologize to her husband; and not by giving him pleasure (other than soft kisses on her neck), but by actually saying it. But first, one more soft kiss on her neck. "Sorry." Turning his head to look at his topless wife while she cuddled up to him in bed, Jay shook his head. "Hey, you have no need to apologize Alex. This is not your fault baby." Alex sighed as she heard Jay say that, before pushing herself up off his chest. "Jay, I'm the one that wanted him here in the first place." Jay shook his head and sighed.

"Alex, this is not your fault; Hank was the one that did this to us, he was the one that did what he did. He didn't play by our rules, and that was why he left our place. We didn't want him here, and that's why he's gone. That's not your fault, nor will I ever blame you for what he did to us. Alex, he did it to you; just as much as he did it to me." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, smiling as she felt Jay turn his head and kiss her forehead softly. "I love you Alex, and that will never change. You are the love of my life, and the woman of my dreams. I will always want to be with you, more than anything in the entire world." Alex smiled as Jay told her that, really happy that was the truth; and she could tell that it was the truth, simply because of how Jay always held her when she needed it. "Jay, I know that; you don't always have to say it, because I know you do. And I also know that you paid his cab fair back to the airport." Jay looked down at his wife and smiled as he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. "I may have had an ulterior motive for that."

Alex was confused as she heard Jay say that, before looking up at her husband. "And what would that be?" Moving to grab his phone, Jay smiled as he opened it; after which, he proceeded to open the Taxi app that he has on his phone. The taxi app that shows the exact route that the taxi took today. "It's so that I could get this." Going to grab Jay's phone, Alex sat up for a minute as she looked at the map; however, she was confused as to just what it was. "Okay, what the hell is this?" Jay smirked as he put his hand on Alex's back and stroked it with his thumb. "It's the map of your dad's taxi ride." Alex just looked at Jay as he said that. "Oh, that way you could see that he was at the airport? Wait, where else would he..." Jay laughed. "A hotel?" Alex thought about it. "Oh, I could definitely...." Reaching up, Jay put his hand on her neck and then put his thumb over her mouth. "Shut up." Alex was confused as she heard Jay say that, before feeling him grab her phone; after which, Jay proceeded to put it down on his side table charger. "Come lay down."

Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before laying down on his chest once more; after all, that's what Jay just asked her to do. Lay down on his muscular chest, as they cuddled up to each other; and damn was this comfortable, for both Jay and Alex. And now, they are both just holding each other close...with Alex's hand on his toned chest, and Jay's arm around her back. After which, Jay started to run his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead softly. "I love you." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "I love you too Jay, and I am so glad that we're alone right now; because this is exactly what we both need right now. Just to be alone and taking it easy with our children." Jay took a breath as he heard Alex say that. "Alex, can we talk though?" Alex agreed with Jay as he said that. "Of course, we can. Is everything okay?" Jay sighed as he moved his hand to Alex's leg and stroked it with his thumb, after which Alex turned her head and left a soft kiss on her neck; and boy did Jay love the feeling of that kiss.

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