Matt's Ongoing Mental Health Challenges Resurface, Part 1

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Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked the little addition of that Miller Family action. But now, I think it's time for us to go back to our main family. And that's due to the fact that you're getting to get see Matt being a dad, which we all love. So, here we go with that chapter.

Witches Brew – He ended up having some PTSD during his latest nap this morning, a nap that he took right before having lunch with his sons; after which, he told his mom and mother-in-law that he was going out. And while they didn't understand at first, they understood after he told them that he's been needing to go out for a while; because he just had a bit of PTSD, because he thought back to what happened three months earlier. When Gabby went into premature labor with the girls, and that was the worst thing possible; and that's why he needed to do this right now, he needed to be at the beach and just take it easy. Well, that, and he needs to surf, which is exactly what he's in the midst of doing, while also letting Andy play on a leach here on the beach (which is legal).

But what Matt didn't expect was that he was going to be joined on the beach today, because he thought that she was going to staying at home when she read the text; but that was actually not what she did, as she instead decided to come join him at the beach. And if guessed that Gabby is the one that joined Matt on the beach, then you'd be right; because that's exactly where Gabby is right now, standing on the beach with Andy. But soon, he was going to be there with her; regardless of the fact that he was soaking wet at the moment. Well, only after he asked what she was doing here; and whether the kids are okay, as she could've called him (he has his phone here with him). "Hey, what are you doing here? Is it the kids?" Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt ask her that.

Because the kids were all okay, but the same couldn't be said about her husband; as she was confused as to just why he was out here, rather than at home. And that's exactly what she's going to ask him about, as he made his way over to her. "Everything's fine with the kids, and they're all napping right now." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while smiling as he walked up to her. After which, he grabbed her hand and smiled as he intertwined their fingers. "Good, but I guess I'm just surprised to see you here." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Why wouldn't I be here? You left out of the blue, and just came to the local beach without waking me up; so, I just knew in my heart that something was up." Matt sighed as he heard Gabby say that, as that's the truth, which led him to breathe.

After which, he stepped close to Gabby and wrapped his arm around her; putting his hand on her butt, Matt pressed his lips against her forehead and just sighed while also looking down at the woman he loves. Staring into her eyes, Matt smiled as he looked at her. "Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind." Gabby agreed with Gabby as he told her that, having thought that was the case. "Something that you couldn't talk to me about?" Matt sighed as he looked at the woman he loves, hating that they're talking about this; because he knows that he should've been able to talk to her about it, but he didn't. And just thinking about that makes him feel horrible. Because he shouldn't have run away when he felt like he needed to process this. Rather, he should've woken her up and talked to her.

He should've woken her up and ask her if they can talk; and she would've given him the answer that she always gives him, which would be yes. "Yeah, I feel like an idiot for what I did now." Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt say that, as that's the last thing that her husband is; she didn't marry no idiot, but she instead married a handsome, intelligent firefighter. Because while he may not be a firefighter anymore, he will always be the same firefighter that she fell madly in love with all those years ago; heck, he's still that firefighter deep down due to the fact that he uses some of the skills sometimes to save their family from emotional collapse. But at the same time, she also knows that comes with a cost; a cost to her husband's mental health...which is the reason he's out here.

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