Let's Take Our Time as We Hold each Other Close

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Hi Readers: Before we begin, I want to admit that yes; there was a previous chapter in this place. However, I have decided that was not the chapter that I wanted to have posted as the way to start the morning after Matt's birthday. And I hope that's okay. Now, what do you say we just get back to it. Here we go with my new version of the chapter that I want to write for you guys. Thanks for reading.

March 25, 2020 – He decided not to rush. Not to rush right down to his office, where he was going to be spending a considerable part of his day; and not just today, but for the rest of the pandemic working on the business. He was going to be working on it from the comfort of his and Gabby's beautiful home here in Illinois, on the outskirts of Chicago, which he had to admit, was one of the best decisions he's ever made. The decision to live out in the country, rather than in the city limits of Chicago. It has been pure bliss out here, and things have just been so ideal for his family; his young family that he gets to share with his beautiful wife. His wife who was still fast asleep on his chest, while he stroked both her back as well as the top of his service dog's head. The service dog who he was making sure stayed extremely quiet so that his wife could keep sleeping here on his chest right now, just like she wants to do.

After all, it was becoming a rarity where she had the ability to do so; and therefore, wake up with her husband being in bed with her. And that was due to the crazy hours that he had to work at times, due to the different time differences that they had to consider when it came to scheduling meetings. But luckily for Matt, the time different from here to Chicago was over five hours, which meant that he could easily not work until the afternoon when it came to his meetings. More specifically, he could delay his meetings until the kids' naptimes when he could give all of his attention to work. However, there was a downside to that part. While yes, that means that Matt can spend more time in bed in the morning, there are times where that means that he can't spend the same amount of time in bed at night. Rather, he needs to work later into the night just so that he can sleep in with his wife on his chest in the morning.

But right now, he had time. Time to just take it easy and relax, as he concentrated on what mattered most in life. And that would be his family, who were the ones that he was doing this all for. If he didn't have his family by his side as he created the company, then this would all be for nothing; as there was a reason why Matt was working so hard to create this company, which is due to the fact that he wants to create a legacy for his children. A legacy completely unrelated to his money, a legacy that they could carry on long into the future when they feel like their children are ready to take over in their roles as heirs to the company as they are positive that they are (eventually) going to want to do that due to the fact that they are going to want to be just like their father. The father that Gabby was actually quite surprised to still feel in bed with her, as she started to wake up here on his toned chest, which she loves the feeling of.

The loves the feeling of her muscular husband under her, especially when she's not wearing a bra; because that is always very sexy, and they both know it. They both know how much it truly turns Matt on, and just how much he wants it whenever he can. But that was not all he loved the feeling of, as he also enjoyed the feeling of his beautiful wife's soft lips on his chest this morning; the chest which she slept on the night prior while she was braless. Something that Matt most certainly hopes to have happen more often. But first, he wants to do something else; and that would be to just spend some time with the love of his life, starting with him placing his hand on the side of her head and stroking her cheek shortly after she woke up this morning. "Morning." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say good morning to her, before slipping up his chest and proceeding to kiss the man she loves more than anything in the world.

The man she loves waking up with, even though she knows that he should be working at the moment. "As much as I love having you here in the morning, I have to say that I am a bit surprised that you aren't already downstairs." Matt agreed with Gabby, well aware that she must've thought that he was going to be downstairs when she awoke this morning. And that was due to the fact that it always seemed to be where he was when she woke up, except for today. "I know." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, while also feeling him stroke her chest. "Everything okay? Is that why you're here?" Matt smiled as he moved both of his hands to her back, before rolling over onto his side and bringing his wife close to him; while at the same time, Gabby placed her hands on his face as she cuddled up to Matt here under the covers. And now this, this was the pure definition of paradise as it was everything that she wanted.

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