Morning Beautiful

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in some new chapters, but I had to do some things around here first; but now, I am just wondering what you guys are thinking of the story of late? I hope that you guys are enjoying it and are ready to see where this story is going to keep going; because that's exactly how I feel, because of what I already told you: I am writing this story as I go, and I am not planning much of it. I am just going with the flow, and seeing where my ideas take me. But isn't that what we all want at the end of the day? To just see where things go, and let the chips fall where they do? After all, that's the reality of life; and it makes the story seem a bit more realistic in my opinion. But now, it's time for me to stop giving you guys a note; and it's time for me to keep writing the story.

She was currently in the midst of laying down on his muscular, naked chest...with nothing but the sheets covering the both of them, after they made love to each other the night before. And let's just say that Jay is extremely happy at the moment, just like he's always happy when Alex is naked on his chest; I mean, what's better than the feeling of her naked body on his...especially after she worked out so much to get her body back. This, this feeling that they have with each other...well it's something that they both want to enjoy with each other, for as long as they have a chance to relax with each other; especially since they have other people taking care of the twins for them. More specifically, they have their family taking care of their twins, which means that they can have this sexy alone time with each other, which Jay most definitely enjoys...especially as he kisses her forehead softly and stroked her back with his thumb. And if you told Alex that she could do anything she wished, and travel anywhere in the entire world; she'd turn you down.

In fact, she'd turn you down so fast...that you wouldn't even get a chance to ask the question, because this is where Alex wants to be right now. She wants to be with the man she loves in their bed, and she wants to hold him close as they cuddle up to each other in bed; oh, and she also wants the feeling of that hand on her back. The feeling of his strong hand on her back, with his wedding band running his hand up and down her spine. Because that truly is something that she loves more than anything in the entire world, as she cuddled up to him and ran her hand up and down his toned chest; and only then, when he felt Alex run her hand up and down his chest, did Jay turn his head and kiss her forehead softly. Looking down at his beautiful wife, Jay smirked due to the fact that this truly is exactly what he wants to be doing right now. He wants to hold the woman he loves close to him, as they just spend a bunch of quality time with each other; and the truth was, Alex loves this feeling just as must as Jay does...because it's extremely sexy.

Him being naked underneath her for a change, it's so damn sexy; and there's nothing more that she wants to do right now, other than hold Jay close to her. And thanks to their families (as you know), they can do this without having to worry about Liv and Mikey (those are the nicknames that they're trying out for Olivia and Michael, respectively); because right now, Liv and Mikey are being taken care of my her father...which is something that Jay and Alex most definitely want to have right now, simply because they are both really happy over the fact that they are getting this quality time with each other right now. After which, Jay ran his hand up and down her back as they held each other close; kissing her forehead softly shortly afterwards, Jay then proceeded to look down at his beautiful wife. The wife who was currently cuddling up to him, with her hand on his chest; and his lips on her forehead, gently leaving soft kisses on it...and let's just say that Alex really likes that feeling, simply because it's the best feeling in the entire world.

Another thing she likes? The sound of his voice, as he speaks to her for the first time this morning. "Morning beautiful." Alex smiled as Jay said good morning to her, while also calling her beautiful; not that he needs to say that, because she most definitely does know that she's beautiful. But if they're giving each other compliments, then she might as well do the same in return. "Morning handsome." Smiling as he heard Alex say that, Jay looked down at his beautiful wife before watching as she decided to roll over onto her side (and off his chest). "Seriously? I was about to kiss you." Laying down next to Jay in bed, Alex smirked as she looked at her handsome husband. "You know, you can still get that kiss; but you just need to roll over onto your side and get close to me." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before going ahead with doing just that; after all, that's exactly what Alex have Jay close to her in bed. But what's even sexier, is that Jay decided to keep the sheets at their waists; that way, Alex could see his entire chest.

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