Nap Time, Mommy-Daddy Time - Part Two

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Slipping close to her handsome husband after he got in bed with her this morning, Gabby smiled as she put her hands on his face and looked into those gorgeous eyes of his; the eyes that always made her melt, so that she's puddy in his hands. But now, she's just so enamored by the love that she feels for her husband that she doesn't even need to look into his eyes to just give in to him; because that's how things have been in between them, ever since they got back together permanently in September of 2018. And for them to get all of this in eighteen months, it's just incredible. "So, listen, there's actually another reason I wanted you to come join me in bed." Matt was a bit confused as he heard Gabby say that, just looking at the woman he loves. "What's going on babe?" Gabby smiled.

Because that's always a title that she loves to hear him call her, 'babe'. Because that's what she is, she's his babe; and she'll always be his babe, just like he'll always be the love of her life and the father of her children. "Well, it's just...this is really the first chance since everything's happened that we've gotten a chance to be alone; and I want to do something, because it's still a bit hard to think about." Matt looked at Gabby as she said that. "Are you talking about the little boy we lost Gabby? Are you finally ready to talk about it?" Looking at Matt, Gabby looked down as that was not what she was thinking about. "Oh." Gabby sighed. "I'm trying Matt, but I'm just not ready. It's still hard to talk about." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, well aware that was the case right now.

"Hey, then take a breath and don't worry about talking to me about it; we can do it later, when you're ready to talk about it."

Taking a breath, Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that; after which, she slipped close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck as that was what she needed to do right now. And just like she needed to cuddle up to him, Matt needed to wrap his arm around her and stroke her back with his thumb, while also leaving soft kisses on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay baby. I'm right here, and we can talk about it when you're ready; don't worry about it, I mean it." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, while also leaning back and moving closer to her husband. She then wrapped her arms around his head and cuddled up to him, while Matt ran his hand (and wedding band) up and down her back, which most certainly helped Gabby relax, as she needs to do just that right now.

But she also needs to talk to Matt, which is exactly what she's going to do right now. "Sorry about the emotions." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby apologize for being emotional, as that was the last thing that she needed to do. "Hey, don't even worry about that Gabby; you have no need to apologize, and I promise that everything is okay." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, while unwrapping her arms around his neck; she then put her hand on his face, and smiled at the man she loves. "So, do you want to talk about it?" Gabby sighed, as she looked down and nodded. "Do you mind?" Matt shook his head. "Gabby, the truth is that I've been waiting to talk to you about this ever since we gave birth to the girls; I know it's hard, but I think we need to talk about it."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; especially since it was exactly what her therapist just said, after she spoke to her online. "Okay, I am going to say this because I have been meaning to yell you something; and I can't hide it anymore, now that we're home." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before going to tell her himself. "You've been going to a therapist online?" Gabby was a bit taken aback as she heard Matt say that, as she didn't think that he knew that she was going to a therapist online. "How did you know that?" Matt smiled as he looked at the woman he loves. "Gabby, I know it due to the fact that I know you. I know that you can only talk to certain people about things, and you're always calm; so, you had to talk to somebody." Gabby agreed.

Taking a breath, Matt just looked into her eyes. "While I would've liked it to be me, I can understand why; because I know that things are still hard to talk about with me, because you don't want to hurt me or set off my PTSD. And I also know that your relationship with Stella needs a lot of work, until you can start sharing details like that again; and I hope that someday, you can get back to a place where you can sweep things under the rug with her." Gabby took a breath as she looked at Matt. "Do you really think that will be possible? Or are you dreaming Matt? Because if you think that's ever going to happen, then you're dreaming so much...that you probably think that we actually did have triplets." Matt took a breath, as he knew that this was going to be a long conversation.

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