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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the last chapter? Did you guys like the e-mail that we got from Olivia Benson? I hope you know that someday, I do hope to bring this story to a place where maybe we can get a crossover between them more; like I did in a past series, the original Miracles series. (Those who read this story on Wattpad will understand what I mean by that). But I truly do hope that you liked that little visit from her, as I am not sure what my plans are when it comes to adding other Dick Wolf shows into the story. I mean, maybe we can get them in somehow; but I am just not too sure. Let me know what you think and give me some input as to what you want to see when it comes to possible crossover storylines. But right now, back to our current storyline that I have.

With the girls having now been fed, and their parents having finished breakfast; the couple were now just enjoying a bit of quiet time. Quiet time where they can read and catch up on some e-mails, including those that they just received from Jay and Alex (as well as NYPD Special Victims Unit Detective Olivia Benson). However, that was not what Gabby wanted to do at the moment; due to the fact that there was something on her mind at the moment. More specifically, it was something that her husband said during the phone call that they just had with Jay and Alex that led to them getting this outline of the course. And that thing was what Matt said in relation to what they're going to do in relation to the people in Hawaii, as she was thinking the worst; that they were going to be firing some people in Hawaii. And that was a big deal, as that was the last thing that Gabby wanted to do; so, it puzzles her as to just why Matt decided not to talk to her about this decision that he made, ahead of making it so that she could have some say in what they do.

But now, that was going to change head of the two of them doing anything that can drastically change their employees' lives in Hawaii. She just hopes that Matt is okay with talking about it, when it seems like he would much rather read this course outline that he has on his iPad. So, she decided to speak to Matt. "Hey, can we talk for a minute?" Turning his attention away from what he was reading this morning, Matt smiled as he turned his head to look at his beautiful wife; after which, he proceeded to give her his standard response to that question. "Baby, we can always talk. You just need to give me a topic." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, while also taking a breath. "Mind putting your iPad to the side?" Matt snickered. "Let me guess, you want to have me concentrate on you while we sit here in the living room; rather than read e-mails, which I can do during our meeting?" Gabby shook her head. "Well, yes. But something else that I wanted to talk to you about, regarding something that you said about Hawaii." Matt agreed with Gabby.

After all, he had a feeling that this would come up at some point ahead of their meetings; because the moment he said it, he could clearly see that his wife was a bit concerned. And that meant that they were going to have to talk about those concerns, so that he could alleviate the stress. "Just curious, does it have anything to do with the fact that we decided against sitting upstairs in bed? Because we can still move up there, if that's what you want to do." Gabby shook her head, as that was not what she wanted to do. Rather, she wanted to stay here and talk to him about what she has on her mind. "No, it's uhm...I just want to talk about that thing about Hawaii. Remember?" Matt agreed with his wife, as he finally put his iPad to the side so that he could give her his undivided attention. After which, Gabby let out a sigh as she hated the fact she was stress about this; especially when she and Matt have an understanding that they can always talk to each other about anything and everything, which they should always do as partners.

But right now, she was just a bit worried; as she didn't want to always contradict him when it came to business decisions, but she felt like it was her job as co-owner of the business to push back on something that he wants to do. After all, he needs either her or his sister to go along with water plan he wants to do if it wants to become a reality; and that's based on the Casey Corporate By-Laws. More specifically, Corporate By-Laws V01A and V01B, which read as follows:

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now