This is Paradise, Part Two

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Running his hand up and down Gabby's back as they held each other in the bath, Matt smiled as he knew that this was exactly what she wanted to be doing right now. She wanted to be all cuddled up to him and laying her head down on his chest as they just relaxed with each other; but at the same time, she also had a question that she had to ask her husband. And that would be related to the girls, and whether he checked on them before he came to join her in the bath. "Just curious, did you check on the girls on your way in here." Looking down at Gabby, Matt agreed with her before kissing her forehead softly as he most certainly did check on the girls on his way in here. "I promise, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to the girls Gabby; I already checked on them, and they're both fast asleep right now. But we'll probably have to feel them when we get out of the bath." Gabby agreed with her husband and smiled.

"And I'm okay with that, just as long as I get a bit of time with my man right now; time where we can hold each other close, and just take it easy. I mean yes, we can do it in bed..." Matt then proceeded to finish her thought. "There's just something different about doing it in the bath, where we can both just hold each other close as we relax with each other." Gabby agreed with Matt. After all, that was exactly what she was thinking; she was thinking about how she's always extremely comfortable and relaxed when she's in the bath, especially when she's in the bath with her husband. "We haven't done this in a very long time as well." Matt agreed with Gabby as he proceeded to wrap his legs around hers and then placed his strong hand on her back, which just made Gabby smile as she laid her head down on his chest. "God, how did you know exactly what I wanted to put a huge smile on my face?" Matt smiled.

"I just know, because I love you more than anything in the entire world; and you have tells when it comes to what you want."

Turning her head to look up at Matt, Gabby was confused as he told her that. "I do?" Matt nodded, before smiling at his beautiful wife. "When you want me to wrap my legs around yours, you place yourself lower on my body than you normally do. In fact, you pretty much line up..." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, well aware of jus where she's lined up right now. "I hope you know that doesn't mean anything, because I am not interested in getting anything from you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he most certainly does know that she doesn't want anything from him. "I know Gabby, and I wasn't going to give you anything anyways. You just got home from the hospital, and I want you to take it easy and just relax. And that actually makes me wonder whether I should even wear my tight boxers right now." Turning her head to look up at Matt, Gabby was a bit surprised as he said that.

After all, he loves wearing his tight boxers. "And why would that be the case?" Matt sighed as he turned his head and looked down at the woman he loves. "Gabby, you need to relax and take it easy; that's why I'm wondering whether I'm really helping you by wearing tight boxers around you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that he was just looking out for her; and the truth is, that's something that she really loves about her dreamy husband. The fact that he always looks out for her best interests and makes sure that they do what's best for her first. "Well, I think we can both agree that's what we're going to do. We're going to do what's best for me to relax. And if that means that you need to wear loose boxers, then we can do that." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "I just don't want to go all out, not when we need to relax and take it easy with each other." Gabby nodded and understood.

Turning her head, Gabby looked up at the man of her dreams. "Matt, you don't need to argue about this; I'm already in agreement when it comes to what we're going to do. You're going to wear loose boxers, and you're also going to shave, as that's something that you need to do." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before kissing her forehead softly as they both held each other close.

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