We Need Time

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Casey Home – They just finished speaking to Gabby's brother this afternoon, as Matt reached over and set his phone down on his charger once more; after which, he proceeded to wrap his arm around Gabby once again. After all, that was exactly what she needed right now. She needs to be held by her husband, and she needs to cuddle up to him as she thinks about what her brother just said; and Matt couldn't help but feel horrible over what all this means, and all the decisions that they had to make. The decisions related to the health of their family, which are made due to the pandemic. And there was a real big one that was currently on Gabby's mind as he climbed back into bed with her after checking on the girls, who were still fast asleep. "Well, I think that we both know what you need."

Looking up at her husband, Gabby took a breath as she hated that this is what she was doing. She didn't want to feel bad about this, not when there are so many other people who have it worse. After all, she has her family close by. She can literally be at their home within 10-15 minutes. Other people have family who are hours, or even days away by care and can't really be close to them at all during COVID; sometimes even due to borders, as the US-Canada Border has been closed down for the sake of the health of both of the countries. But her, she just can't see her father due to the fact that it's not safe. And that really hurts, which is why Matt is currently in the midst of sitting down next to his wife and extending his hand out to her. "Hey, did you hear what I just said to you?"

Grabbing Matt's hand, Gabby looked up at him and took a breath due to the fact that she has a lot on her mind at the moment. And that would be related to the pandemic, and her father. "You okay Gabby?" Taking a breath, Gabby shook her head as Matt asked her whether she was okay; because she most certainly was not okay, and that was due to the fact that she wasn't going to be able to see her father. And Matt already knew that was on her mind at the moment. "Do you want me to join you in bed, so that we can hold each other?" Taking a breath, Gabby nodded as that was exactly what she wanted. "How are the girls first? They okay?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether the girls are okay, because they most certainly are okay right now, all safe in their cribs.

"The girls are fine and are all safe in their cribs. Now, about what you want. Do you want me to get in bed and hold you in my arms?"

Gabby agreed with Matt, as that most certainly is exactly what she wants; she wants her husband to join her in bed and hold her close. "I want that more than anything. I want you to climb into bed with me, and then I can cuddle up to you in bed here." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling as he got up again; after which, he proceeded to climb into bed with the most beautiful woman in the entire world. His beautiful wife, Gabriela Marie Casey. "Did I ever tell you that you're the most beautiful woman in the entire world?" Gabby smiled as Matt told her that she's beautiful, and she just loved the sound of that. "Thanks baby.." Sitting in bed, Matt smiled as he went to stretch at bit before laying down next to his wife; after which, he closed the covers on top of them.

Slipping close to his beautiful wife in due course, Matt slipped his arm under Gabby's head while putting his hand on her back; at the same time, Gabby put her hands on his face and stared into her eyes. "I'm so happy that we're home." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as that most certainly is the truth. He's happy to be home with the girls, and his gorgeous wife. After which, he smiled as he stared into her eyes and kissed her softly. "I love you Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "I love you too, but I think we both know that we need to talk right now as you have something on your mind." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Well, we need to talk about how we need to stay safe." Matt agreed with Gabby, as that's the truth.

"Gabby, you know that I love you; and that I would never say anything to hurt you, right?"

Gabby sighed as she heard Matt say that, as she already knew where this conversation was headed. "Okay, let's have it." Matt was a bit taken aback as he heard Gabby say that, unsure of what she means. "Okay, what do you mean by that?" Gabby sighed. "We both know that you want to lecture me on what we need to do." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that. "I don't know if lecture would be the right word because of who my wife is." Gabby snickered as she heard Matt say that, because that most certainly is the truth. "Hey, you love my independent mind." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he most certainly does. "Oh, you know I do." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before leaning in and kissing the mans he loves once more; and boy, does she love kissing her husband.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now