The Start of COVID with the Choi Family, Part 1

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Hi Readers: Hope you guys liked the first chapter that I posted for you today, sorry it was late. But now, I am going to post something a bit different; and we're going to start with a different family than we normally do. Hopefully you guys like it and let me know.

March 10th – Casey Headquarters, 23rd Floor: Home of Dr. & Ms. Choi
He was finally home after a long 48-hour shift, as that's how long shifts are now at the Kapiolani-Tripler AMC. And that's all due to one thing, COVID. They need more doctors and nurses, which is why they are doing 48-hour shifts rather than 24-hour shifts in the ER. And he was okay with that, as it just meant that he got 72-hours off. And he most certainly was going to enjoy it, as it meant that he was going to get a chance to spend seventy-two uninterrupted hours with his beautiful wife and son. Yes, you just heard that right, his son. But let me explain that. You see, Ethan's sister recently gave birth to a son named Vincent; but before the birth, she realized that she wasn't going to be able to raise the baby on her own. And there was a reason for that, because the father is married.

And not to his sister, but to another woman; whom he also has two other children with, and a third on the way. And his sister was not having that, so she decided that she was not going to put up with him; but at the same time, she knew that she couldn't raise the baby. So, she asked her loving older brother if he could do something for her. And that would be to adopt his nephew, and raise him as his own,  which he gladly agreed to, as he knew what it meant. It meant that his sister would be able to see the little boy whenever she wants to, but there were some rules; most notably, it was that she was not going to be the one who is called her mother. That role will go to his new wife. And no, you didn't hear that wrong; Ethan is married to the beautiful April Choi...and he already loves this life.

The life that they're creating with each other, as well as their new son here in Hawaii; but right now, Ethan needs to do something else. He needs to finish getting ready to get in bed with his wife, while trying to do it as quietly as possibly as to not wake Vincent up; but first, he decided to take his morning medication. The medication which April oh so neatly puts out for him each and every morning, and also dispenses when he goes to shift. And that's just one of the many reasons why Ethan truly does love his wife, because she is exactly what he needs in life. She completes him, and she completes their family; and at the same time, she also makes him feel alive and relaxed. Well, not just that; she makes him feel sexy too, which is exactly what she's in the midst of doing right now.

And just how is she doing that? Well, she just walked up behind Ethan in her robe and went to rub his back. "Someone tried to sneak in without telling me they were here." Turning around to face his wife, Ethan smiled at her; especially when he noticed that somebody else was awake, which would be his little Vincent. "Hi bud." But before he could do anything else, he had to take his medicine, which was exactly what he did, before taking a sip of the water that he was just filling up. After which, he carried the glass over to the sink and set it down. "I'm surprised to see you awake." April agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Vincent didn't sleep the best last night." Turning to face April, Ethan got concerned. "What happened?" April sighed.

After which, she turned to look at Vincent. "He just didn't want to sleep. I tried everything. Formula, nursery rhymes, he even just laid down on my chest; but nothing worked." Ethan sighed as he heard April say that, feeling horrible that his wife had to deal with that on her own. "I'm sorry that you had to deal with that last night, on your own April." April took a breath and agreed with Ethan as he said that; after which, she watched as he washed his hands again. "Maybe you holding him can help." Ethan agreed with April as she said that, having just thought the same way. "I was just thinking the same thing. Let me just wash my hands, then I'll grab him, and you can go back to bed. Want any coffee or anything?" April sighed. "I might just head back to bed." Ethan agreed with April.

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