Hospital Journal: Bella and Sofia Casey

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first two chapters that I already wrote for you guys today? Well, I hope that you guys liked them. But now, I want to let you know that I'm going to do something a bit different during their hospital stay. And that would be only writing every other day, or else things will get very long. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to let you know what happens on the other days...because I am going to let you know, just not by writing the entire day. Rather, I am going to write journals. Let me know what you think of this idea, and I hope you guys like the fact that I am going back to the journal entries. Thanks for reading.

Hospital Stay – Day 1: December 9, 2019
Bella Grace and Sofia Maria Casey. Those are their names. The names of our beautiful daughters, the daughters that I just gave birth to yesterday; and I had to say, what a rollercoaster of emotions that I had to deal with. And what a betrayal that I had to deal with, again. But hey, at least it wasn't as bad as the worst betrayal I could've dealt with; and that would be my brother sleeping with my enemy S.B. But that's not what we're going to concentrate right now, as that's not the person I want to think with. Rather, I want to think about my beautiful baby girls Bella and Sofia. Based solely on the picture which I've seen, they are so adorable; and I am so proud of the fact that they are my daughters. And while it wasn't the ideal situation, nor am I the biggest fan of us having to spend a couple months here in the hospital; but all that matters at the end of the day is that me and the girls are okay, because that's what we are...and sore. God, I am so damn sore. I have so much pain, and I definitely am glad that I've been prescribed pain medicine.

Because boy do I need it, and not just to recover from giving birth to the girls; but also from my surgery, the surgery which made sure that I am never going to be able to get pregnant again. A surgery that Matt is going to have as soon as I am recovered from giving birth. And that's due to the fact that he's going to get the same type of surgery that I had to get, just to double check that we can't get pregnant anymore. And luckily, Matt is more than okay with doing that for me; and god, do I love that man more than anything in the entire world. He is just the sweetest husband, and he just does the best job in the entire world when it comes to the two of us taking care of each other. But even better, he's letting me watch a bunch of Hallmark Movies. I think we've basically only been watching that right now, and I think that I most definitely do like the idea of that. A Hallmark Movie Marathon during our entire stay in the hospital, in this gorgeous suite that Matt reserved for us just in case of emergencies; and boy was he shocked that I understood.

That I understood why he decided to book this room for the both of us, because that's exactly what I want to have; and I am just ready to have this suite for our entire hospital stay. But honestly, I think that's all I can really say when it comes to the day that me and Matt welcomed our beautiful daughters into he world. And when I say beautiful, god do I mean beautiful; I think that they most certainly will be able to steal Matt away from me, and I can only imagine just how attractive they're going to be when they're older. Watch out boys, you are going to go gaga for my girls. God, Matt is going to hate me when he reads that; but I don't care, simply because I am so glad that this is what we're doing. I have the two most beautiful daughters in the entire world, and I am ready to just take it easy. But now, I am going to just take it easy and relax with my beautiful daughters. That, and cuddle up to that hunk of a husband of mine. I just hope that I don't need to wait to hold my girls for too long, because I most certainly do want to hold them, and breastfeed them.

Because yes, I have decided to breastfeed our baby girls. I do not want to just have the hospital feed them all the time, because I want to make sure that I can get that bond with them. But that's something that I need to talk to both Matt and the doctors about, after I recover for a bit. But right now, I am just going to take it easy...and I am going to relax as we both hold each other close in bed. But now, what do you say we just take it easy. Then, we can just hold each other close and relax together. Day 2 Done. Goodnight.


Hospital Stay – Day 2: December 10, 2019
Day 2 of our hospital stay, where to start? I am going to just say this. The girls are fine, but we did get worried at some point today. We had to get the doctors to work on them, and they just needed to check them. I was scared the entire time, and I was worried all day that I was going to pop my stitches. But once again, thanks to my handsome husband...I didn't pop my stitches. Rather, I stayed calm and realized that I didn't have anything to worry about; because we can trust this hospital, and we can trust the doctors here. They are experts, and they are going to do whatever they can with the girls. But that didn't mean that I wasn't worried the entire time. Rather, I was worried the entire time. So, I had to do something to change my mind. And that's exactly what I did. I watched another Hallmark Movie the entire time, and I (tried) to take a nap; but can a mom really take a nap when your kids are in surgery. Well, Bella at least. Let me just be clear about that. It was only Bella, and not Sofia. She's fine, and that made sure that I was okay right now.

But now, let's see what we did today. Oh, we had a nice video chat with Matteo and Noah; and god, did they look so confused as to where their mommy and daddy were. And I won't deny, that broke my heart a bit; especially since I knew that they wanted to be with us, and that they wanted to spend time with me and Matt. But Matt reminded me that we need to take it easy, and that we need to relax and just hold each other close. And after breathing and starting to hold each other close for a while; well, everything is okay now. And that's all I need to remember when it comes to all of this. That everything is okay, and that everything will always be okay. And that's simply because I have the most wonderful man in the entire world as my husband. Just don't get too cocky if you read this Matthew, nor should you expect anything in the shower...not that I'm doing real showers right now. God, I still can't believe what I'm going to have to do when I want to wash myself. And that's get a sponge bath rather than take a shower. So, that's not going to be fun.

Well, unless Matt's the one that washes me; because that, I can agree with. I just hate this diaper that I have to wear, and that Matt had to change me. Well, maybe not that part. I have to say that I am so glad that I'm recovering, and everything is going to be okay now. We're all going to just take it easy, we're going to relax; and we're going to hold each other close. We're going to make sure that we take it easy, and we're going to make sure that we have fun with each other. And I can't wait for that to happen. But for now, I am going to have to say goodbye and just finish up this journal; and that's due to the fact that Matt and Andy just came back from getting us some breakfast. And boy do those eggs look delicious. Can wait to taste them. Chow for now.

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