You're My World...Forever

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Climbing into bed with the woman of his dreams, Ryan smiled due to the fact that he loves Sarah more than anything in the entire world; and he's going to make sure that she knows that by the time that he's done talking to her. While at the same time, he's also going to hold the most beautiful woman in the entire world close to him. And that all starts with him moving her close to him and getting her to place her hands on his chest (not that it will be hard to do that). And that's due to the fact that she always places her hands on his chest, the moment they cuddle up to each other in bed. And now, they are going to do just that as they laid down in bed with each other; after which, Sarah slipped her legs in between his and wrapped her arms around his torso. At the same time, Ryan put his hand on her arm as they both held each other close. After which, he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves.

Meanwhile, Sarah put her hands on his face and smiled as they took things nice and slow with the man she loves. "Okay, I am not going to just let you kiss me all the time; because we need to talk Sarah, and you really need to listen to me." Sarah agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. At the same time, Sarah leaned her forehead against Ryan's. "Sarah, do you remember how long we've been with each other?" Sarah agreed with her husband as he asked her how long they've been with each other. "We've been together for almost 7-8 years now." Ryan agreed with Sarah as she said that, as that most certainly is the truth. "Sarah, do you really think that I would string you along for almost EIGHT years, just to leave you after you have my baby; the baby that I've always wanted, and that I've always wanted to raise with you." Sarah agreed with her husband and took a breath.

Afterwards, Ryan cuddled up to Sarah some more while running his hand down her back. "Sarah, I just called you the love of my life; and that will never change, because I love you more than anything. I love you, and I am so glad that you're my wife; and that we're having a baby with each other, a baby that's a PRODUCT of OUR love." Sarah smiled as she started to think about their baby that way, as that most certainly is what their baby is. It's a product of their love, and that's just something that she's really happy about. She's happy that they're going to have a baby with ach other, and she's incredible proud over the fact that they're having a baby with each other. "I feel like an idiot for even thinking about this." Ryan agreed with Sarah as she said that, before running his hand up and down her side; after which, he smiled as he leaned in and kissed her once more. "Baby, I love you. And I'll always love you." Sarah agreed.

Ryan then moved his hand to Sarah's stomach, and smiled as he looked down. "And I am going to love our little one here when he's born, and I am so glad that we're going to have a baby. Now, you need to take it easy and relax." Sarah agreed with her husband as he said that, before smiling as she thought of something that might help her relax. "Want to know what might help me relax?" Ryan smirked and agreed with Sarah, as he most certainly does want to know what they can do. "What might that be?" Sarah smirked. "Maybe we can go take a swim together, a swim that can easily get sexual." Ryan agreed with his wife, as that most certainly is exactly what he wants to do right now. "Sex in the pool sounds great." Sarah smirked as she put her hands on his face, before kissing him softly. "Sorry I thought that way by the way." Ryan agreed with his wife, before smirking. "I just hate that I get to loose this."

Sarah agreed with Ryan as he said that, before thinking about that. "Then maybe we shouldn't go take a swim, as you want this." Ryan smiled as he heard Sarah say that, as he doesn't want THIS (the lingerie); but rather, he wants her. His beautiful, pregnant wife. The love of his life, and his forever; because that's what he and Sarah are, they're forever. And that actually gave Ryan an idea. "Actually, I have an idea." Sarah looked at Ryan as he said that, a bit confused. "And what would that be?" Ryan smirked. "Maybe first, we take it easy and make love to each other; then we can go take a swim with each other, to wash up." Sarah smirked as she rolled over onto her back, while Ryan climbed on top of her and proceeded to get on top of her; that way, they can make love to each other and have fun. And let's just say that Sarah absolutely loved the feeling of the two of them making love to each other and will always love it.


Laying down on top of his wife, Ryan smirked as he put his hand on her neck and started to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; and that's exactly what he's in the midst of doing, showing his wife just how much he loves her and how he'll always love her. "God, I love you so much." Sarah agreed with Ryan as he said that, well aware that was the case as she moved her hands to his face; at the same time, Ryan smirked as he bent down and proceeded to kiss her neck softly. And damn, was that a nice feeling. It was exactly what they both want to do right now. They want to hold each other close, and they want to make sure that they have fun; even though they're pregnant with their first child, which is something that Sarah is really happy about due to the fact that she wants to be a mom more than anything in the entire world. Especially to her and Ryan's children.

And that's exactly what she and Ryan are in the midst of working on right now, due to the fact that they are expecting their first child together; and that's something that she can't wait for. To see Ryan being a dad, that's going to be incredible. "God, I can't wait to see you being a dad. You're going to be such a great dad." Ryan smiled as he put his hand on her neck again and smiled at his beautiful wife. "And you are going to an amazing mother." Sarah smiled as she heard Ryan say that, before leaning up and kissing the man of her dreams; after which, Sarah just smirked due to the fact that they are both really happy. After which, she ran her hand down his cheekbone and just smirked as this is exactly what they both want to do. "God, I am so glad that you got me in the washroom and made me change my mind." Ryan agreed with Sarah as she said that and smiled due to the fact that they're both extremely happy.

They're happy that they have each other in bed right now, and that they're making love to each other; because this is something that they need to do every once and a while, due to the fact that Ryan always needs to make sure that Sarah knows just how much he loves her. "I hope that me doing this makes sure that you know that I love you more than anything in the entire world." Sarah agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I most certainly know that know; I know that you love me, and I feel so stupid for thinking about that." Wrapping her arm around his neck, Sarah smirked as they took things nice and slow with each other; at the same time, Ryan moved his hand up her back and held him close. After which, Ryan stroked it and just smirked as they are both extremely happy together. "I hope you know that this is my dream life." Sarah agreed with her husband, and smirked as she does.

She knows that this is his dream life, especially due to the fact that this is her dream life too; and there's nothing better than the feeling of him making her feel loved by doing just this, them holding each other and making love to each other. "God, I love the feeling of your strong arms around me so much." Ryan agreed with Sarah as she said that, smirking as he continued to give his beautiful wife exactly what they both want to do right now; and that would be the two of them making love to each other, and just holding each other close. "Damn, you are so sexy; and I still can't believe that you're mine." Sarah agreed with her husband, as he bent down and proceeded to suck on her neck. After which, Sarah grabbed the back of his head and moaned. "Fuck Ryan!" Ryan agreed with Sarah, before smiling as they just enjoyed a bunch of intimate time with each it's exactly what they both want to do.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now