Taking Care of It as a Team - Part One

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Hi Readers: Now, how about we get to the real update that I want to post for you guys today? Thanks again for reading, and I hope that you guys like this chapter. I know that this day is getting long, and I promise that we're almost done. But for now, let's get to it.

They were so moved, moved by all of the statements that their friends and family just put out on their behalf; that they knew that they needed to do something much more personal than just send a text message to thank them, and that would be to call them. That way, they can talk to each other live and can hear each other's voices. Because right now, that's what they all need to do; and they are also going to be able to get something else, an update on just how the family was doing. And since that was something that everybody wanted right now, Matt and Gabby decided to just go for it and call everybody. And that was exactly what Matt was in the midst of doing as he put his AirPods in. Meanwhile, Gabby did the same so that she could speak on her own phone as it was easier.

"Glad that you always join the calls on your own phone now?"

Gabby agreed with her loving husband as he asked her whether she enjoyed joining the calls on her own phone, because she did; after all, it was much easier for her when it came to talking. "The truth is, I think that it's much easier when it comes to talking. We can just hear everybody easier, and they can recognize my voice better through the AirPods." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, well aware that was the case. But now, it was time for him to do something; and that was ensure that everybody was on the call with them all, as they wanted to read the press release as a group. And thankfully, it didn't take anybody long to join the call; especially not their family...as Antonio was the first one to join the call. "I can only assume that this is about the statement that we just sent you guys?"

Gabby agreed with her brother as he asked her that, before making a bit of a joke. "Wow, such a smart one Toni; didn't know that you could read people's minds." Antonio snickered as he heard Gabby say that. "Shut up. I am just trying to make you laugh, as you need it; you were just all business as you wrote that statement, and now you want to do some more business." Jay Halstead couldn't help but agree with Antonio when he said that, as he joined the call. "I couldn't agree more with you Antonio, because this has to mean that we have more than one set of people that are going to be joining us; by the way, I added Alex to the call so that she can use her AirPods as we don't want to wake up the kids." Gabby agreed with Jay as he said that, as they were doing the same thing for their kids.

"Yeah, me and Matt are doing the same thing for our kids."

Antonio agreed with his sister as she said that, before deciding to ask her how his nephew is doing. "How's Noah anyways? He feeling better and is he asleep." Gabby agreed with her brother as he asked her how Noah was doing. "He's doing much better, and he's fast asleep right now." Alex agreed with Gabby as she said that, glad that was the case. "Good, because I hope you know that me and Jay feel horrible over what happened to him." Matt agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, we are both well aware that's the case Alex. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to us not knowing that you guys are worried." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that. "Well, I am just glad that we get to hear your voice for a bit. Because we know this won't be long."

Matt sighed. "Unfortunately, it won't be. I guess I just want to talk about the statement and make sure that we're all on the same page, and that you guys got the updated version of the statement that me and Gabby just wrote; we wanted to add some things, and we also wanted to comment on the one that you made Antonio." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before going to compliment her brother on the statement that he sent out on behalf of their family. "I have to say Toni, you really are a good writer, and I am so glad that you sent out that statement on behalf of the family." Antonio agreed with his sister as she told him that, especially since it was just the right thing to do. "Gabby, it was the right thing to do. That was why I released the statement, after clearing it."

Gabby was a bit confused as she heard her brother say that. "What do you mean by clearing it?" Antonio laughed. "You don't think that our parents got a chance to look at it, prior to us releasing it? I wanted to make sure that they got a chance to put what they wanted to say. You don't think that dad was the one that wanted to make sure that we put the language regarding how we hate what Stella did to you? He wanted to go harder, but I calmed him down." Gabby agreed with her brother as he said that, well aware that was the case; after all, the statement did seem pretty watered down when she read it. "Yeah, I could tell that it was a bit watered down. And speaking of down, is Matteo down for the night?" Antonio agreed with Gabby as she asked him if Matteo was down.

"Yeah, he's fast asleep in his crib. But he seems to want to sleep in your room right now."

Matt agreed with his brother-in-law as he said that, having had a feeling that was the case; after which, he turned to look at Gabby. "I think that's okay, and he can sleep there for the rest of the time. Just maybe have your mom sleep in there too, so that she can make sure that he's safe." Antonio agreed with his brother-in-law as he said that. "He's in his crib, located in your room. I'm sure that he's going to be safe in there, but that's fine. I will make sure that mom sleeps in your bed tonight if she wants to." Jay laughed as he heard Antonio say that. "Not too sure I'd want to sleep in the same bed that..." Alex then went to interrupt her husband. "Jay, do you want me tonight? Because last time I checked, we have the house to ourselves with the exception of the kids." Matt was confused.

"I thought that the grinch was in Hawaii right." Jay laughed as he heard Matt say that, as that was a really good way to refer to his father-in-law. "Oh, that's a good one that I am most certainly going to use!" Alex was a bit mad as she heard her husband say that. "Okay, then no sex Mr. Halstead!" Jay got nervous as he heard Alex say that. "I mean, of course I'm not going to use that title." Will laughed as he heard Jay say that. "God, you are so damn scared of her!" Jay then snapped back at his brother. "And you aren't scared of YOUR pregnant wife?" Natalie laughed as she heard Jay say that, as they all knew that Will most certainly was. "He's got you there honey." Will agreed with Natalie as he said that, well aware that was the case. "So, who we waiting for right now?"

That's when Christie decided to speak up. "Last time I checked, I was already here, and we weren't waiting for the Severides as they aren't going to be joining us for the moment." Natalie agreed with Christie as she said that, before saying something. "I just want to make sure that you know that we all meant everything that we said in our individual press releases. We worked with Antonio, and we drafted it all together so that we could limit the number of press releases that we put out from the company." Christie agreed with Natalie as well, before going ahead with thanking the family for making her job a hell of a lot easier. "And I really want to thank you guys for doing that, as it's going to make me and Antonio's job a hell of a lot easier tomorrow." Antonio was a bit confused.

"Wait, I thought that we were going to do the press conference Friday?" Christie laughed. "Not when we're putting the press release out ASAP. I want to do it tomorrow, because it's better for marketing. Now, that's why I need to talk to Matt. I want to let you know that I am going to speak for the family and the company, if that's okay Matt; or would you rather have Rafael talk on behalf of the company, as he is the interim Chairman and CEO?" Matt then realized something. "You know what, I should probably add him to the call since he's a member of this team. Do you guys mind?" Christie then spoke for the rest of the team. "No, go ahead as that's a good idea." Matt agreed with his sister as she said that, before going to add Rafael to the call so he can talk to him.

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