Happy Birthday Daddy: How's Diego? - Part 1

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Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked today's first chapter, but I sincerely do apologize for not having posted anything else yet. But that all changes now, as I am ready to give you more chapters of this long story. I am still shocked that I'm still going at this story after six months, but that is just something I love; I love writing this story for you, and I can't wait to give you more. Thanks for reading.

Taking some more breaths as she sat down in bed with Matt, Gabby smiled due to the fact that she felt much more relaxed. And that was all due to the most amazing man in the entire world, her husband Matthew Casey. She just doesn't know where she would be without him, and she's very proud to have the ability to call him her husband; especially when he's playing with their children. As that's when he's the most adorable, as he plays with their children like he is right now. God, the way he holds Bella in his arms truly is the most adorable thing in the entire world, and Gabby just loves the sight of it; but not as much as the fact that all of the kids have been fed, with the two of them having fed the girls. Meanwhile, their mothers fed the boys for them so that they didn't have to. And that was perfect, as it now left them to only have to concentrate on two things. Holding their girls and eating breakfast together.

And let's just say that the breakfast that they were enjoying right now was delicious. Matt is just scarfing it down as if it's the last thing he's ever going to have a chance to eat, which does concern her; so, she decided to make sure that her husband slows down when it comes to eating. "Baby, take a breath and relax. There's no rush when it comes to eating, you can take your time." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, well aware that he can take his time. "I know I can, but these are just so good." Gabby nodded as she was well aware that the pancakes were really good, as she was enjoying them as well; but that didn't mean that Matt needed to rush through them. He had all the time in the world to eat, as they weren't in a rush to do anything today. They could take it easy, and just relax when it came to their family time that they were enjoying at the moment. The time that they had to be with each other and relax.

And right now, that's exactly what they both want to do with each other; they want to take it easy and relax. Yet Matt also knew that his wife wanted to do something else as they just sat here with each other right now. She wanted to call her brother, so that she can check on Diego and see how he's doing; not that he blames her, as he would want to do the same thing if Violet had COVID-19. He just hopes that he doesn't have to deal with that for a while, even though he does know it's a possibility now that she may be going to see her father. The father that he doesn't trust. But that wasn't what he was thinking about at the moment, as Jim is no longer part of his family; with the exception that he's Violet's father. Other than that, he could care less what happens to his ex-brother-in-law. For all he cares, he could just take it easy and stay away from his family. Then again, he also understands the importance of family.

And he also knows that it's what Violet needs. She needs to have her father in her life, so he's going to support her and his sister every step of the way as they allow Jim back into their lives; but that doesn't mean that he's going to let him have any money. That's something that's not going to happen, and he's already told his sister about it. Jim is not getting any of the family money from him, and she can do what she pleases with her money. But if she runs out, then don't come crawling to him just because you decided to spend all of your money on your ex-husband. If he had it his way, he wouldn't be anywhere near his family; nor would he be in contact with Violet. But right now, that's not on his mind as he's instead going to concentrate on his children...as well as the conversation that he and Gabby plan on having with her brother about how Diego is. And he knew that they had to star it soon, as Gabby was worried.

She was worried about how her nephew is doing, and just what this has done to him; and whether there's something that they need to know about. But right now, they aren't going to worry too much as they also know that they're safe here in their home. The home that they share with each other, as well as their beautiful children. But now, it's finally time to make that call, which is something that he finally decided to tell his wife. "So, are we going to make the call while we eat breakfast? Or would you rather wait until after we've eaten breakfast?" Taking a breath, Gabby sighed as she didn't know what she wanted to do yet. She didn't know whether she wanted to wait to make the call, or whether she wanted to do it while they were eating breakfast with each other. "What do you think we should do?" Matt sighed as he reached out and grabbed his wife's hand. "I think we need to call soon." Gabby agreed with Matt.

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