She's Delusional, Part Two

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Casey Home - They ended up not talking the entire walk home, simply due to the fact that Gabby needed a moment alone with him; and even when they did get home, Gabby grabbed Andy's leach and just went up to her and Matt's room. Because that's where she needs to be at the moment. Alone with her thoughts as she takes it easy. And he was okay with that, as Matt went to take off his shoes; at the same time, he turned to look at his friends. "Is Gabby okay?" Hearing Stella ask him that, he took a breath. "That's what I'm wondering and want to go talk to her about for a moment if that's okay?" Stella agreed with Matt, before smiling at him; after which, she heard his mom make her way over to the door. "I thought I heard you guys come in." Turning around, Matt smiled at his mom. "Mom, I think you remember Kelly and Stella." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, waving at the two of them.

After which, Matt smiled as he turned to look at his other friends. "And mom, these are our other friends. Evan Hawkins and his girlfriend Violet Mikami. They replaced Gabby on Ambo 61." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, before smiling. "Now, is there a reason why Gabby ran upstairs with Andy?" Matt sighed. "There was an incident at Molly's, which is why we're home. Now, I need a moment with Gabby. So, do you think you can give me a hand? Or, where have you already started unpacking?" Nancy smiled. "Me and Christie are..." That's when Matt heard Christie. "I thought I heard my brother." Matt smiled as he made his way over to Christie, before hugging her. "Hi sis." Christie agreed. "God, my nieces are looking more adorable by the minute." Matt agreed. "Thanks. But listen, as I was saying. Kelly, you're coming up with me because I'm going to get you started on something." Kelly was confused.

However, Matt soon explained. "You're the only dad here other than me." Kelly then realized. "Oh, the cribs." Matt agreed. "Hawkins, if you want to help in the boys' room for now?" Hawkins agreed. "Sounds good, I can help Kelly." Matt then smiled at Stella and Violet. "Stella, we have a bunch of clothes in the girls' room right now. We bought some on the way for the cold. And they all got in the same package. Some of them are boys, some are girls, and some are out of the boxes. Maybe you and Violet can work together, and you can maybe sort the boys from the girls, and whether it may fit. The boys are currently wearing 10-11 months still. They still fit in 10-month-old clothes as they were born premature, so keep that. And keep any gender-neutral clothes, and/or ambulance pyjamas." Stella laughed. "Let me guess, Gabby wants the girls to wear them?" Matt agreed with Stella, as that was exactly what Gabby wanted.

"Yes. Now, I am going to go take care of my wife for a moment. All of you, mask up and go wash your hands."

Everybody agreed with Matt as he said that. "Mom, show Kelly and Stella to the powder room please; and then Mikami and Violet to the kitchen." Turning around, Matt looked at Mikami. "Oh, quick thing. Mikami." Mikami agreed. "Yeah Matt?" Matt smiled. "Today, you need to go by Mikami. Because Violet is going to be my niece since she's going to come help." That's when Matt heard his niece come down. "I'm already here Uncle Matt, I was just cleaning the tub for you guys." Turning around Matt smiled as he walked up to his niece and then wrapped his arm around her, kissing the top of her head at the same time. "Staying safe?" Violet agreed with her uncle as he asked her that. "I most certainly am." Matt smiled. "Good. Now, I need to go talk to your aunt for a moment."


Casey Primary Suite – His wife was currently in the midst of walking around their room, trying to calm down after getting changed into something more comfortable; while at the same time, she was listening to her husband. "Gabby, she's not well! There's no use in doing this, as you're just punishing yourself. Gabby, do you really think I could ever be interested in her?" Turning around, Gabby looked at her husband. "I don't know. She keeps making me question what happened that summer." Matt sighed as he heard his wife say that, as that was the last thing that he wanted to hear his wife say. "Here, how about you sit down? Please baby, sit down." Taking a breath, Gabby agreed with Matt as she made her way over to their comfortable bed; the bed where they made love last night. She then proceeded to sit on her side of the bed, while getting under the covers; meanwhile, Matt walked around their bed.

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