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Well, now if that wasn't a nice Casey Family chapter. And while I could easily continue with that storyline that I am currently following at their home, I have decided to do something first, which would be to make a quick detour at the Halstead home. But fear not my dear readers, as we are headed right back to this chapter. Hope you like it and thanks for reading.

Meanwhile, in Chicago's Woodlawn neighborhood, Jay Halstead was currently in the midst of walking out of his twins' nursery shortly after putting both Michael and Olivia down for their nap. The nap that not only his children need, but that he and Alex need them to take at the moment. And that was due to the fact that something was off with Alex. Something's been off with her since they were out today, while they were doing a couple laps around the block with the twins and Max. And that was making him worry, as he didn't want her to hide things from her, which is what he believes she's doing. So, he decided that he was going to talk to his wife and see whether she was okay. But first, maybe a nice hug will do the trick when it comes to starting the conversation that they need to have with each other. A hug from behind, which is always very sexy in Alex's eyes; simply due to the fact that she loves the feeling.

The feeling of her husband's strong arms wrapped tight around her waist, just like they are right now, which always leads to something else. And that would be a whisper in her ear, and some sex. But that isn't want Jay wants right now, as he instead wants his wife to talk to him. Especially now that she's starting to be a little distant, which is something that neither of them want; they don't want to be distant with each other, as they need to be a team right now. And Jay was going to reinforce that message, as he left a kiss on the side of her head and spoke to his wife. "You have something on your mind, that you aren't sharing with me; and I don't like it." Alex sighed as Jay mentioned that she has something on her mind that she isn't sharing with him, as she knew that was the truth; she knew that she had something on her mind, which she was not sharing with her husband at the moment. So, she knew what she had to do.

She had to turn around and talk to her husband about what was on her mind, which would be Antonio. "It's Antonio." Jay was confused as he heard Alex say that, before thinking that she meant that she was having some problems with him. "Do you need me to talk to him? I'm sure that it's all a misunderstanding babe, and it's nothing to fight over." Alex then realized what Jay was thinking she was talking about, and that would be that she was currently in a fight with one of their friends, which couldn't be further from the truth. Rather, she was thinking about the news that he just gave her. "It's Diego, he has COVID." Jay was shocked as he heard Alex say that. "Oh." Alex agreed with her husband as he said that. "I mean, I know he's not our family; but..." Moving his hand to the side of Alex's face, Jay stepped close to his wife as he understood what she was trying to say. And it was that it was hitting close to home.

Especially since Antonio literally lives in the same block as them. "Wow, so..." Alex agreed with her husband. "They said that they would understand if we wanted to work virtually with them for now, just as a precaution for the kids. Apparently, he's had it for a bit; but they thought it was a cold and just tested him now." Jay agreed with his wife. "Well, I hope that he feels better." Alex agreed with her husband. "Antonio is okay, he isn't positive for COVID. So, we're safe, but it..." Leaning in, Jay proceeded to kiss Alex softly; after all, he could see how scared she was at the moment. "Listen, how about you go sit down? I can grab you some water, and then come join you." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that. "Did you turn the baby monitor on?" Jay agreed with Alex. "Let me guess, you want to sit in bed?" Alex looked down at Jay asked her that, while he got close to her and wrapped his strong arms around his wife.

An action that was greatly appreciated by her, as it made her feel safe; being in his arms always makes her feel safe. "Thanks for that." Turning his head, Jay looked down at Alex while shaking his head. "You have no need to thank me when it comes to me holding you in my arms, as I will always do it whenever you need me to hold you in my arms." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, smiling at the man she loves before moving her hands to his toned chest; after which, she kissed him softly and took things nice and slow with the man of her dreams. And let's just say that this kiss was no normal kiss, as it was a kiss that was steamy and hot; something that can easily start something (which it did). It led to Jay picking Alex up in his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist; while she wrapped her arms around his chest and just held her man close. "Bed, now." Jay agreed with Alex, as that was exactly where he wanted to be.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now