Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Seven

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Oh boy. Talk about a bunch of drama that's happening on Matt's birthday. And so much for a bunch of sexy time between husband-and-wife. But now, they are back with their kids and are ready to just hold each other close in bed as they talk to each other. Now, how about we get back to the story and just keep going with this storyline that I'm writing? Hope you guys are liking it and are ready for more. More drama, and more family time with Matt and Gabby and the kids with each other. Which is something that they love doing.

Walking out of the bathroom in his sweats, Matt smiled as he looked at Gabby as she stood at the end of the bed wearing her sweatpants; while at the same time she was in the midst of putting on one of his dress shirts, which is something that he most certainly loves the sight of. But one thing that Matt doesn't like, is the fact that she's in the midst of doing it up by herself, when that's his job and will always be his job. He's the one that gets her shirt done up. "Need some help?" Turning to look at her husband, Gabby snickered as she should've expected that was going to happen. "I had a feeling you were going to ask me to do up my shirt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while walking up to her and smiling as he stood right in front of her. But before he did up her shirt, he moved his hands to her hips and tugged her body against his chest, which then prompted her to put her hands on his chest.

Looking up at Matt as she held him close, Gabby smiled due to the fact that she was incredibly happy; after which Matt bent down and proceeded to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that he loves her, as that most certainly is the truth. He loves her more than anything in the entire world, which is something that she'll never doubt. She'll never doubt that he loves her more than anything in the entire world, especially not based on the way he kisses her; with his hands on her neck as he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs and took things slow with her. Meanwhile, Gabby wrapped her arms around his back and smiled as she cuddled up to the man of her dreams; the man she loves more than anything in the entire world and will always love more than anything in the entire world, as he truly is the love of her life. Something Matt knows.

"You glad that we decided to wear our sweats?"

Gabby agreed with Matt, as she is grateful that they decided to wear sweats in the end; because she feels like this is what she needs at the moment. She feels like she needs to relax, as they hold each other close in bed. "As much as I love you, I feel like I need time to just breathe and relax after everything that's happened today." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case; after which he proceeded to grab her shirt and went ahead and started to tuck it into her pants. And let's just say that Gabby really liked that feeling, due to the fact that she was happy with Matt's hands all over her body. It was exactly what she wanted at the moment, and Matt knew it. He knew that she wanted him to hold her close, as they cuddled up to each other and just relaxed. "Listen, how about you get in bed and relax? I'll check on the girls." Gabby agreed with her husband before walking over to their bed.

Meanwhile, Matt made his way over to his daughters' cribs so that he can check on them; and the truth was that they were okay. They were always okay when they were in their cribs, which is something that he's grateful for. He just wants the girls to relax as they take it easy with each other, not that they would be all that mad if they had to take care of them for a bit. Looking down at his girls, Matt smiled at them. "Just to let you know girls, mommy and daddy are just over there; and that means that you can relax and take it easy." Smiling as she heard Matt say that, Gabby looked at the man she loves. "I swear, you are the best father in the entire world." Turning his head, Matt smirked due to the fact that he loves Gabby. "I love you." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I love you too, now tell me what you want when I get in bed with you." Gabby smiled and agreed with Matt.

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