Ryan & Sarah Miller are Expecting, Part 1

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. First, let me just apologize for starting late as I know that you guys love this story a lot and that means that you guys are always waiting on pins and needles for more content. Well now, I'm ready to write some for you. Hope you guys enjoyed yesterdays chapters, and the content that I gave you regarding three other families. But now, it's time for us to go back to the namesake family of our story. Hope you guys like today's chapters, and all the news that came out yesterday.

Sarah Miller E-mail:
Miller, Sarah
To: Casey, Matthew; Casey, Gabriela
CC: Kidd, Stella; Jacobs, Simon; Miller, Ryan
Subject: COVID-19 Job Waiver

Hi Mr. & Ms. Casey:
I would first like to let you know that I have also included Ms. Kidd, as well as Mr. Jacobs in this e-mail as they will be required to get the same message. But now, time to get to the reason for which I am e-mailing you. The job waiver. First of all, I want to say this. Working for Casey has been a great time, and I promise you that I do not want to leave the company; nor do I plan on leaving the company, as that is not the reason I am requesting a waiver. The waiver is for me to continue getting paid, while I can't model.

And the reason for which I can't model, is due to the fact that I have just learned that I am currently six weeks pregnant with me and my husband's first child. And based on the outlook right now, that would mean that from not until the end of the year (at least) I am going to need to be out of commission when it comes to modelling; after all, me and my husband need to prioritize our child's safety. And based on the fact that you just came out of the hospital, I truly believe that you will understand. Thanks again.

Stay Safe.

Sarah Miller
Model, Casey Creations
1 (800) 8827-2938 x. 1020


Casey Home – To say that the e-mail that Gabby just received brought a big smile to her face was an understatement, as it was exactly what she needed at the moment; a real reason to smile, because that's just what this e-mail allowed her to do. It allowed her to smile, even during this hard time that her family (and the company) now find themselves in. And that's simply due to the fact that some of her employees are expecting their first child. And just like Sarah said, she most certainly does understand the urge to stay safe during the pandemic; to keep your child safe, as well as prioritizing your own health. And that was why Gabby was currently on the phone with Simon Jacobs, the chief photographer for the company. "Yes, so I can only assume that you saw the e-mail?" Simon agreed.

Because of course he saw the e-mail, how could he miss the e-mail when it has such spectacular news for one of his fellow Casey employees. "Ms. Casey, not to be rude; but how could I miss the e-mail? I am thrilled for them, and I am so glad that they are expecting." Gabby agreed with Simon as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Well listen, I know that your job is to set up photoshoots when we need it. But, I am calling to let you know..." Before Gabby could even finish her though, Simon finished it for her. "You want to let me know that I'm to take Sarah Miller off my roster, and to not even consider her for photoshoots during the pandemic." Gabby agreed with Simon, as that was exactly what she was going to tell him as they need to keep Sarah safe right now.

They need to keep her safe, and away from COVID for both her sake; and for the sake of her and Ryan's first child, which is always something that people enjoy. And while she wishes it wasn't happening during COVID (for Sarah's sake), it just meant something else to her; and that would be that she needs to help her in whatever way she can. And right now, she can help her by ensuring that she's safe (hence the call to Simon). "Well, that's exactly what I was going to tell you. Tank you so much for understanding." Simon agreed. "Anyways, I am actually looking for ways we can do photoshoots from the safety of our model's homes. Maybe they can do it through a camera that we send them, and we can take the pictures wirelessly or something from a distance." After hearing that, Gabby smiled.

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