The Start of COVID with the Reese Family

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first chapter I posted today? Well, I hope you like it; but now, I am going to be doing something different. And that would be to check in on another couple, and how they're dealing with the pandemic. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Now, here we go with a chapter about some Casey Employees. Sorry for the delay.

Waialae Kahala – He was currently in the midst of walking Rosie, his and Sarah's new Golden Retriever; the dog that they recently adopted after the tragic death of their former dog Riley, which (unfortunately) happened just two weeks before Valentine's Day. And that was why Ryan made sure that he treated his wife to a really nice (and romantic) Valentine's Day, which he most certainly did; and let's just say that Ryan got really lucky that day. So lucky, that there was just something in his heart that something has changed between them; but the change was good, because it may mean that they are both open to starting a family (even though they've yet to really talk about it). And that thing would be a baby of their own, because he most certainly does want to have a baby with her.

Specifically, he'd love to have a baby girl; a daughter whom he can treat as his princess, just like he already does with his wife. But that's what every dad says, don't they? But Ryan really does mean it, because he doesn't want a son yet; rather, he wants to have a son as their second child. A son to carry on his last name, because then their family will be complete; because if there was on thing that he already knew, it was that he wanted to have two children and nothing more. He wanted a daughter, and then he wanted as on. A daughter to love and cherish, and a son to carry on his name; but at the end of the day, any children that make him a father will make him the happiest dad in the entire world. Probably just as happy as his friend Luke, as he saw him on his front porch.

But Luke wasn't alone on his front porch, as he had a special little girl in his arms; a special little girl named Amelia, whom he already knows that Luke is probably really happy that he gets to have more time with during the pandemic. So, that's probably one of the benefits that come with him having to stay home. "So, I can only assume that you're not that mad that you have to stay home with that little girl right there." Turning his head as he heard Ryan speak to him, Luke snickered as that most certainly was the truth. If there was one thing that he was happy about, it was that he was home here with his little girl. "So, where's Sarah this morning?" A bit confused, Ryan looked at his friend before making a joke. "Wait, which Sarah?" That being a joke, as Luke is also married to a Sarah.

But unlike Ryan, he didn't exactly find his joke all that funny. "Haha, really funny Ryan. I am not worried about where my wife is, because I already know where she is; she's upstairs sleeping in, as we rotate which day we take care of Amelia in the morning. Plus, this little girl here had some problems last night." Ryan agreed with Luke as he said that, hating that she wasn't feeling good. "Just not feeling good?" Luke agreed. "Nothing serious, as we've been keeping safe." Ryan agreed with Luke as he said that, as he had no doubt in his mind that he was keeping his daughter safe. "Oh Luke, you have no reason to worry about that; as I already know that you're going to keep that princess of yours safe." Luke agreed with Ryan as he said that, smiling as he looked at Amelia today.

He then kissed the side of her head, and just smiled as he was really happy; but at the same time, he knew that he had to ask Ryan a question. "By the way, how are you guys doing? Did you guys take time after you lost, uhm..." Ryan then proceeded to remind Luke of their old dogs' name. "Riley." Luke agreed with Ryan as he said that. "Sorry about forgetting her name." Ryan shook his head as he heard Luke say that, as that most certainly was okay. "Hey, you have enough on your mind; we both know that you just need to take it easy, and you need to relax." Luke laughed as he heard Ryan say that, before smiling as he turned his head and kissed Amelia's forehead. "Oh, that's exactly what me and Sarah are doing as we spend a bunch of time with Amelia." Ryan agreed with his friend.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now