Unpacking - Day Two, Part One

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Hi Readers: My apologies for the delay once more, but I ended up getting a bit distracted; but now, I'm back and ready to get back on track with some stuff that Matt and Gabby need to do in their new home. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Now, what do you guys say we get back to it? Maybe with a bit more unpacking to make sure that we're all set up for when the kids get here? And maybe even when Matt has to work again? Sorry for the spoilers. But that is something that will happen at some point in the future, just not yet. But don't fear, as I fully intend on getting back to business...including some of the stuff I put in another chapter regarding building an office nearby. What do you guys think of that idea? Let me know in the comments after reading.

Casey Home Office – She wasn't going to lie, she wasn't the biggest fan of her husband having to work from home; because to her, their home is a place where they get to spend quality time with their children as family. Time where they a nothing more to their wonderful children Matteo, Noah, Bella, and Sofia. Yet at the same time, Gabby also knew something else; and that would be that she and Matt need to run their company here, for the health and safety of their family...as well as for the benefit of all their staff (and friends). Because no longer were they just working for themselves, but they were also working for over two hundred people; their staff, whom they truly treat as family as they are risking their livelihoods on a company that is basically just a startup. Yet at the same time, it's growing at a rapid pace; and that means that they already have a lot of staff, working on many different projects.

And on first glance, that may seem daunting; but the truth of the matter is that Matt and Gabby are more than ready to do is, as they've dealt with things which are much harder to deal with at work. In a way, she believes that them being former first responders prepared them for this job; as it allowed them to get the discipline that they need to work under pressure, and to make the hard decisions that impact a lot of people. And that's the real reason why she was so supportive of Matt's idea of starting a company after they got the money, as she thought that it was the best way for them to use the money: for them to give back, and make a difference in the world, while still doing things that can make them semi-first responders (in her mind). And that's due to the fact that, even though she's no longer a paramedic; she feels like she's going to be on even run in each other the ambulances that they sell.

Each "The SHAY" ambulance that goes on a run was designed by her, and was her dream come true; and now, they are going to be getting some feedback on the design...which is something that she can't wait to see. Yet at the same time, she just hopes that the firehouse will be honest with them; in fact, she just remembered something. She needs to text Boden about that. So, she went ahead and did just that. She went ahead and texted Boden about how she wants them to be honest with them when it comes to "The SHAY" so that they can make the required changes to the prototype and make it better. And if he doesn't, then she can talk to Mikami.

Text Thread between Gabby (G) and Boden (B)
G: Hi Boden, you have a minute?
B: For you Gabby, always. You guys all good?
G: Yes, we're okay. I just wanted to ask you something.
B: Go ahead, I'm all ears and here to help.
G: It's about the Ambo Prototype, and the feedback you'll give.
B: I promise Gabby, we're going to give you guys feedback.
G: Yes, but I want to make sure that you guys give me the feedback that we want.
B: OK. I'm a bit confused as to what you mean by that. Care to explain?
G: I mean, when it comes to the criticism you may have about the ambo.
B: Ah, now I'm getting what this conversation is about.
G: I just want to make sure that you guys don't sugar coat it. I want to have the reality and need it.
B: So that you guys can improve the product if required? Fix the problems that we might see?
G: Exactly! That's exactly what we want to do, as we want it to be the best it can possibly be.
B: Believe me Gabby, I can do that for you. I promise that we'll make sure that we're honest.
G: Thanks Boden, I appreciate it. How is it so far?
B: We love it here at Firehouse 51 and can't wait for you to do a ride along in the future.
G: Let's just wait and see what happens re: COVID. And right now, we're still unpacking.
B: Good luck and remember to take some breaks at times.
G: Me and Matt just finished taking one, had a nice bath.
B: Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Have a good day to you both.

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