Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Eleven

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Hi Readers: Sorry for just having posted one chapter so far, but I hope to get a couple more out to you guys today. And that starts right now, with something related to the nap that Gabby is currently taking; and something that Matt is in the midst of doing as she naps.

Note: This will be my last update for today. Sorry for the low update day.

The time that Matt got to spend with Gabby was terrific, and he wanted it to last for the entire day; but unfortunately, it couldn't. And that was due to the fact that he had a service dog. And right now, he needed to go out to the bathroom, which is exactly where Matt was getting ready to take Andy in the backyard. But first, he needed to tell his wife where she was going due to the fact that she just woke up and spoke to him. "Matt?" Turning to look at the woman he loves as she laid down in bed, Matt took a breath as he knew that she might be mad at him right now as he was currently breaking his promise to her. The promise that he made to her prior to her falling asleep, when he told her that he would stay here the entire time that she took a nap. "Hey, go back to sleep." Sitting up, Gabby looked at her husband when she noticed that he was dressed once more. "Why are you dressed?" Matt sighed as he walked over.

After all, she must be so confused at the moment. "I need to go outside for a moment." Gabby was puzzled as she heard Matt say that, unsure why he had to go outside right now. "Why?" Matt sighed. "Turns out that a dog can't wait until after his patient's wife takes the nice nap that she wanted to take with him holding her in bed." Matt then proceeded to sit down in bed next to the woman of his dreams, before grabbing her hand and holding her close; after which, he intertwined their fingers as they held each other close right now. "Well, I understand that." Matt nodded, smiling at the woman he loves; before moving his hand to the side of her face and bending down to kiss her softly. Meanwhile, Gabby put her hand on his arm as she took things nice and slow with the man she loves. "Thanks for letting me take a nap on your birthday." Matt shook his head, because it was more than okay for her to take a nap.

If she needs to rest and take a nap, then that's exactly what she was going to do; meanwhile, he was going to go do something else. And that would be to take Andy outside, after which he'll stay downstairs and spend some time with their beautiful children. "And then, I might stay downstairs and spend some time with our sweet angels." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, as that most certainly is something that she knew he was going to want to do. "I understand, you want to spend time with them." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife, as that most certainly was the case. "Do you understand?" Gabby agreed with her husband, before motioning for him to bend down to kiss her again. And that's exactly what Matt did for her, he bent down and kissed her softly. "Of course, I understand baby, I know that you want to spend time with the kids." Matt agreed with Gabby, as he smiled at the love of his life.

He then grabbed her hand and stroked it with his hand as they both held each other close. "Listen, you just stay here and relax. I can see that you're still tired." Gabby shook her head, as that most certainly wasn't something that she was going to do. She wasn't going to stay up here, not when she knew that her husband would rather be with his entire family. "No, I can come down and be with you and the kids. That's what you should get right now anyways, time with your entire family." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear; after which, he bent down and kissed her once more. And god, does Gabby love the feeling of his soft lips on hers; it's so sexy, but not as sexy as when he whispers to her. "I hope you know that you coming downstairs, doesn't mean that you get to take off his sexy lingerie." Gabby laughed as she heard the man she loves say that.

And she knows why. It's due to the fact that he's going to take it off, when they take things nice and slow with each other in bed tonight. "Maybe we can stay downstairs until later. We can spend time with the kids until they go to bed tonight, then we can come up here tonight; where we can take things nice and slow with each other, as we celebrate my birthday by making love." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I already know that's exactly what you want to do." Matt smirked due to the fact that she already knows that they're going to take things nice and slow with each other later, when they make sweet love to each other. But right now, Matt's going to do something else; and that would be take Andy out, due to the fact that he just barked at him. That then prompted Matt to turn his head and look at his dog. "I know Andy, I know." Andy then just sat at the door.

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