Extended Leave of Absence

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To say that the doctor was a bit taken aback when he heard that his boss was going to be taking an extended leave of absence, that would be an understatement; then again, he can't really judge him. Both because he's not in a place to understand, nor can he question his boss. Well, maybe he can question his friend; just see what's happening, and whether he needs to talk. "Is everything okay Matt?" Matt sighed as he looked at his friend, before looking at him. "I don't want you to be worried, because I'm fine." Ethan agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was the case. "Good, because I was a bit worried there." Matt nodded. "But what's going on with the extended leave of absence, might I ask?" Matt sighed. "I am going to be stepping back from the company a bit..." Matt then turned his head and looked at Gabby. "Right now, those girls over there are my priority. Heck, we aren't even going to be in the office for a while." Ethan just agreed with Matt as he said that. "You want to concentrate on all of your kids instead?" Matt agreed with Ethan as he asked him whether he wants to concentrate on all of their kids instead, as that's exactly what he wants to do right now.

"That's exactly what I want to do right now. I want to concentrate on Matteo, Noah, Bella, and Sofia....and Gabby, of course." Ethan smiled as he heard Matt say that, before agreeing with him. "Well, I think that's a great idea; especially since it will bring down the stress for a while." Matt agreed. "Especially since me and Gabby are going to be here until right before my birthday." Ethan was confused as he heard Matt say that. "When's your birthday?" Matt smiled. "March 24th. We get out of the hospital two weeks before that." Ethan gulped as he heard Matt say that, not really liking the sound of that. "I'm so sorry Matt, you must hate that." Matt agreed with Ethan as he said that. "But I'd rather have my girls, than not have them." Ethan agreed with Matt as he said that, as he could clearly see that's the case. However, it wasn't long before Matt started to hear Gabby stir in bed. "Matt? Mat..." Getting up, Matt took a breath as he looked at Ethan. "She okay?" Matt sighed. "She's been having bad dreams of late." Ethan agreed as Matt got up.

After which, Matt start to make his way into his and Gabby's room so that he could calm Gabby down; after all, that's what he needs to do for her right now. "Matt, do you want me to leave?" Taking a breath, Matt agreed with Ethan. "Unfortunately, I think that might be a good idea. Maybe send me an e-mail with those questions you have for me? I will work it out with everybody." Ethan agreed with Matt as he said that. "Door?" Matt agreed with Ethan as he said that. "Please, and make sure that Andy stays in here for me." Ethan agreed with Matt as he said that, before going to leave the hospital room; at the same time, he also made sure that Andy stayed in there. Meanwhile, Matt proceeded to make his way into his and Gabby's room so that he could be with the woman he loves; after all, that seems to be where he needs to be at the moment. He needs to be with her right now and giving her the comfort that she needs from him. And he could only imagine one reason why she needs him: she's having a bad dream at the moment.


"Matt? Mat..." Those were the one words that Matt needed to hear her say to make him come be with her right now, which is exactly where her loving husband is now as he sat down on their bed with her and held her hand with their fingers intertwined. "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here." Starting to snap out of it, Gabby looked at Matt. "Hey, where did you just go?" Gabby took a breath as she looked at her husband this morning, still a bit scared right now. "I guess..." Matt could clearly see that she was scared right now. "Scared?" Gabby took a breath, before agreeing with Matt. "Yeah." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before leaning over the woman he loves; after which, he moved his hand to her neck and proceeded to bend down and kiss the woman he loves softly. Pulling away from the kiss, Matt smiled at Gabby before leaning his forehead against hers; after which, he whispered to her. "Baby, I'm right here. And I'm always going to be here when you take a nap, because you need me here." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now